A new beginning...

Aug 19, 2004 03:07

hmm, i just set up this live journal. i am an amateur when it comes to spilling my guts to a journal that can be read by everyone, that is of course if anyone on earth even reads this. just read my bro's journal and learned things about him that i never really thought to think about. he is bored and lonely a lot. its my tendancy to take these sort of problems and feel guilty, like maybe its my fault that he is lonely. i am gone 90% of the time and when im hear i stay up all night and he goes to bed. any time there could be a chance we hang out i usually make plans. i never really thought of just sticking around and chilling out with him. it would be cool to do that more often. hanging with the other psychos in my family is strictly out of the question. jasons the coolest. i feel like i work too much. i see less of mandy and of anybody for that matter. i like my job though so i dont really care who i see less of. work is my time. sometimes i feel like i ended up in the wrong life. i am very distant from all my family members and honestly dont care if i see the ones who live away from me ever again. i am beginning to feel the same way about other people not in my family too. i havent talked to my best friend from high school since graduation and dont really care. am i heartless or what? i get lazy and unmotivated very quickly, i started writing a novel a couple years back and havent finished a complete page in about a year, will it ever get finished? am i gonna just puss out and sell video games the rest of my life and live in a box with fourteen cats? right now those cats sound pretty damn sweet. i hate going to bed and i HATE getting out of bed. i stay up til my family starts getting up just to aviod bitching about me staying up all night. speaking of staying up all night, DONT TAKE 2 YELLOW JACKETS TO STAY AWAKE!!! my mom found remanents of alcohol and sex in my bedroom. she wasnt pissed or anything but i feel awkward talking to her now. o well, she'll forget about it soon enough. school starts next monday, bleh!! the only thing that excites me is hangin with steve again, we really havent talked at all since summer started. mmmmm, pizza hut buffet. Ron, my district manager, is a deusch. work has been slow lately and the other day we only had 6 transactions all day!!! he blames me and anthony but how do we have control over customers coming or not. it isnt my fault nothing new is out. if i lose my job because business is slow i am gonna get pissed off and sue people!! i dont know who but they will get sued!!! honey, my doggy, is a damn moron and cries every night because if she sees anything moving she thinks its play time. i hate yelling at poor little beagles but she's retarded. good thing shes cute or i would cause a ruckuss! things with mandy are moderate i suppose. we are in love but i think were beginning to feel like an old couple. is that normal for people who have only dated for 2 and a half years? i hope things work out because i couldnt imagine not seeing her anymore. plus, she plays halo with me, where else am i gonna find a shooting partner? i guess this journal has gone on long enough, now lets see if anyone replies.
waiting sucks! someone reply ASAP!
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