Oct 20, 2004 20:23
Hey everyone! First send a blank copy of this to all your
>fill this one out about me and send it back to me. Have Fun! and Be
>Am I fat?-
>Am I sweet?-
>Am I crazy?-
>Am I lovable?-
>Am i funny?-
>Am I ugly?-
>Am i psycho?-
>Am i annoying?-
>Am i a good person?-
>******WOULD YOU******
>Hug me?-
>Miss me if I was gone?-
>Listen to my problems?-
>BE a good freind?-
>******WOULD YOU (opposite sex only)*****
>Ever go out with me?-
>If you already have would u do it again?-
>Kiss me ((Really))?-
>Marry me if u could?-
>Ever talk bad about me if we ever break up?-
>*****How well do you know me?*****
>When's my birthday?-
>How old am I?-
>What school do I go to?-
>Do I have any siblings?-
>WHo is my current ex?-
>Who is/are my best freinds?-
>Who am i crushing/ dating?-
>Favorite color?-
>What is my worst subject?-
>Best subject?-
>Favorite sport?-
>Favorite T.v. show?-
>Favorite song/songs?-
>Favorite music group?-
>*******WHO AM I*******
>What TV star do i look like/remind you of?-
>What song would u dedicate to me?-
>What famous person do i resemble?-
>******IF YOU COULD******
>GIve me a new name what would it be?-
>Hook me up with someone(real) who would it be?-
>DO one thing with me it would be?-
>Drop me one piece of advice it would be?
>******JUST A FEW QUESTIONS*******
>WHat do u love about me?-
>what do u hate about me (seriously)?-
>What is my best quality?-
>What is your honest opinion about me?
u better answer the ?'s alex asked me out! i was thinkin bout askin him out but idk he asked me out at lunch i was liek yay! lol comment me bitches!