Aug 22, 2006 04:54
I've gotten really bad about posting on lj these days. it's mostly because when i posted, it was at work, in the pharmacy in denton, where i could have some down time to write in the journal. Lately at work, especially since i've moved over to the er, i never have time to post. home time is sleep time, and sleep time very very important... :) So here's a little update:
HOUSE: My house should be ready by the end of september. i've been talking to the mortgage guys and the house builders, and we should be doing the final walk through the last week of september. very very exciting for me. unfortunately, it also means i work alot these days to save up bundles and bundles... which by the way, it's really happening as quickly. :) me and my spending habits.... what can i say?
WORK: Working in the ER has been great. I've been officially moved over as ER staff now, so I haven't really worked a day in med surg since. I still think I may pick up a few hours here or there, but we shall see. For now, the ER keeps me busy with over time and everything.
Lots of interesting stories have come my way for me to tell when friends get together and i can't wait to see if there will be more. I have become the queen of foleys and pelvic exams unfortunately, and the more i do it... can't understand what women see in women... if you know what i mean. just bleck to me. :\ One part i really like is working with peds. I've gotten really good at sticking kids and i have a really good repor with them when there here. I love having kid patients actually, so we shall see where this goes.
Holli has started working at the hospital, so it's great being able to see her at work. When she has time, she and Nicki come down to see me in the ER and we rest for a few minutes. Of course, nothing but praise has been heard just like i knew it would be, so i'm really glad working with her.
Relationship: Chris and I have been doing great. Just trucking along and enjoying the heck out of each other. We went to the casinos a few weeks ago and had alot of fun on the blackjack tables. I think i may have gotten him addicted to playing though. Can't wait to go back. Finally met his parents a few weeks ago as well. His parents are a blast. His mother and i get along really well and i think we've formed a little bond against the men. ^^* Chris also got to meet my cousin and her family, and they really liked him. He got to beat my cousin's husband in blackjack and made my cousin blush by holding the door for her. We have to go back to OK soon.
So that's about it for me. That and i have to go take care of my patient now. Next time, i'll have to put down an er experience on my lj. so... coming soon.... :)