I was surfing the web and i ran across this. Some of these phrases are sooooooo old and now when i look back on it, i'm embarrased to admit that i used these... :)
The one that used to make me cringe is when someone would say,
"Sup bro?" but instead of saying bro' they'd leave the "o" off and say something like, "Sup bra!" And usually (annoyingly )loud too! Acceptable if you were some black gangsta dude, not so if your like 5'4" and asian.
heck... how do i know... i'm not old enough to know that brah didn't come out in the 90s. (hehehehehe... ) I did notice that there were a few that i knew were older than the 90s on the list too. :)
"Sup bro?" but instead of saying bro' they'd leave the "o" off
and say something like, "Sup bra!" And usually (annoyingly )loud too!
Acceptable if you were some black gangsta dude, not so if your like 5'4" and asian.
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