
Jan 10, 2005 16:27

"and we may never meet agian, so shed some skin lets get started, and you will throwwwww your arms around me.."

hey boo boo's!!! I stayed home from school today because i was um "sick" and because i had 3 projects due... and guess how many i did? zero. so yeah thats what im gonna be doing all night yes i couldnt ask for anything better.  Oh wait, or can i.. oh eyah this weekend im goin to uncw saturday morning to stay with my cousin ahh its goin to be crazy i cant wait and whats even better is that i think Britt might be coming with me if its straight with my cousin we could def show them how to have some fun ; ) haha JK ah im so mad i have to go to school tommorow it sucks i could use another day of this, but i think next monday were off or tuesday and im hoping ill have plans for that day........

soo yeah this weekend was pretty fun friday i went to my dads house it hink and chilled with some people over there and then saturday i went to go see *white noise*, might i add that movie is not all its cracked up to be def not and then i was supposed to go to britts with tay and E but that didnt work out cus my mom thoguht i was sick even thoguh i wasnt. but w/e then sunday i went shopping and went out to lunch and then sunday night i got to look at the stars, it was so amazing.  Every single one of them was out and they were so bright and beuatiful!!  ah i cant explain it it was just simply amazing.: ) I couldnt really sleep last night though alot was on my mind and so i stayed home today and just relaxed and mostly slept.  Britt and Liz were home and we didnt even get to play, how sad!! Well i think thats enough so im gonna go finish this project and get something to eat, *hope you had a good day boo.*

Peace up, A Town DOWN
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