i saw avi!

Jun 23, 2006 02:20

Ugh. I'm such a procrastinator. I'm hoping I can get a ride to this plenary down in Ventura, I think Borenstein can take me since I'm sure he'll be going. Work scheduled me for the time I asked off for it, and I STILL can't find anyone to cover, goddamnit. It's ridiculously annoying.

So here's the Amtrak schedule if that's what I'm doing:

Scheduled Departure
Scheduled Arrival
551 Capitols Davis, CA
8:55 pm
23-JUN-06 Oakland, CA
Jack London Sq
10:38 pm
23-JUN-06 1h 43m 1 Unreserved Coach Seat
4768 Bus Oakland, CA
Jack London Sq
10:55 pm
23-JUN-06 Santa Barbara, CA
6:30 am
24-JUN-06 7h 35m 1 Reserved Thruway Seat
768 Pacific Surfliner Santa Barbara, CA
6:45 am
24-JUN-06 Moorpark, CA
8:06 am
24-JUN-06 1h 21m 1 Unreserved Coach Seat

Guess I'll sleep on the train ride between Oakland and Santa Barbara.

So a couple days ago I went to a counter-protest to an anti-Israel protest in Berkeley. It was a good excuse to get out of Davis...and see AVI!!! I met the most French Jew I've ever met in my life, Yves...he kept on going after me after I told him when he asked me out that I have a boyfriend...not such a good understanding of monogamy (btw, it's amazingly awkward to get hit on in front of your boyfriend's parents), he had a shot of espresso and then a glass of wine with our (Ethiopian) dinner, and when I got a drop of ice cream on my leg when it dripped out of the hole in the bottom of the waffle cone (psh, mine come out perfect!), he offered me his HANDKERCHEIF. And he smoked like every time we stepped outside. Cool guy, though. 25, "bored of paris," so he's been here for a couple of months, may be a permanent thing, may not be. Also...definitely good looking. With a French accent. Damnit!

Anyway, spent the night at Avi's, that was good fun. Avi Garelick, how I love you! And, we met up with Aryeh the next day, had mediocre vietnamese food, watched some of Ferris Bueller, smoked, and continued their movie. Also good fun. And then I rode BART with Aryeh and Alper, caught up a bit, realized how I miss the good old days, and took the train to Davis.

So when I got back, me and Evan picked up burritos at Guad and wandered through the greenbelt to find a picnic bench. After dodging/waiting for them to turn/jumping over a long line of sprinklers, we settled for a playground structure. So we talked, ate...and all the sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I made out the shape...of a pig. I got closer, and it was indeed a very cute black potbellied pig, just chillin and eating grass. It was one of the more random things I've seen, for sure.

I've had absolutely no communication with Josh since Sunday, I guess they have no internet access, and it's really starting to get to me. I guess I'm just overall more tense, I dunno. Well, guess I'll smoke my mind out this weekend, it's green party stuff afterall.
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