Jun 17, 2006 01:01
I gave in today and washed the dishes. I had done them many times before but I think my housemate got used to me washing them, so I didn't do hers for a coulple of weeks. Well, the sink got full, I couldn't reach the faucet to wash my own, I started gagging when I walked into the kitchen, and it was clear that she wasn't doing them any time in the near future, so I gave in and did them. Took like a half hour, there were so many fucking dishes, with lots of crap stuck really well. I opened a casserole dish to clean it, I had presumed that she had mad some sort of spinach casserole...no, I think it was lasanga, the color was from MOLD!!! ALL OVER!!! Disgusting. So now we have an empty sink, it feels nice. She got home tonight, have I gotten a thank you? No. Actually, I don't really care, I just think its rather impolite, but whatever. I have a sink now!
Today I took Evan grocery shopping for his first time without his parents. So cute! He needed help, but he got a hang of it, and his jew instincts are good for the bargains! Haha, I love that kid! We went back to his new place and had garlic bread and watched south park. Good fun.
Josh seems to have become a soccer fan. How cute.