Aug 10, 2005 21:45
So I have this theory with video games: if you have absolutley no clue what you are doing, as do I, press the buttons like your life depends upon it; don't think about it, just do it, and trust me, you will end up scoring 26 points by the sheer grace of God.
Come to think of it, I guess it applies to more than just virtual entertainment. Like say, perhaps, college. I am piss-pants scared about it. For real. I mean, in a I-can't-sleep-or-eat-or-really-do-much-of-anything-because-the-thought-of-leaving-in-4-days-makes-me-want-to-hurl kind of way. But I figure, I am probably not the only one who feels this way, so yeah. Anywho, like in a video game, you just gotta forget about what all the buttons do, forget those nonsense details. JUST FRIGGIN DO IT, EVEN IF WHAT YOU'RE DOING IS WRONG. It's better than sitting around trying to make the right decision and not actually doing anything at all. Who knows, you may end up scoring 26 points.