Mar 26, 2005 14:14
Ok, I wrote an entire entry about how I was in such a horrible mood, and as soon as I went to press "Update Journal," I realized, that writing it all out made me feel much better.
So here is what I wrote, but don't worry, I have had a cup of coffee and calmed down:
"I apologize in advance for this, but I am in a horribly bad mood.
This morning, I had to be at church at 8:30 to clean/set-up for sunrise service tomorrow. Well, my dad, bless his heart, assumed that I was going to actually make myself presentable before leaving, so he wakes me up at 7:30!!!! Of course, I am really stupid when I wake up in the mornings, so I can't seem to just say that I intend to wake up at 8:15. Well, he keeps coming into my room, yelling at me about waking up. I give up and roll out of bed, drag myself downstairs to get some breakfast/coffee. The thing is, I wasn't thinking and I pull out a coffee cup, and a box of cereal, and pour the cereal and milk into the coffee cup. It didn't hit me that something was not right until I put the cup to my lips, expecting the sweet invention of coffee to pass my lips, and I almost choked. I was still too stupid to do anything, so I just rolled with it, and drank my cereal.
So I get to church, and there are only 4 of us there, 2 being me and Trav. We got everything done, pretty much. Then we came home.
OK, this is the part where I am going to talk about how much men are pansies, so again, I apologize. I am making a generaliation, which is really just wrong. But here goes.
As most of you have noticed, it is spring. Well, for some reason, all the trees in our backyard (there are like, 200) have plotted against us, and have dropped all 1,000,000,000,0000.01 of their leaves. So today was "Leaf Raking Day." Now, I am not one for much yard work. Actually, I take that back. I am not one for any yard work. Give me any chore to do in the house, and it'll get done, but yard work and I just don't see Eye-to-Eye. Well, there was a buttload of leaves, so Travis, Dad, and myself raked them (well, Dad and Travis did, and then I came out to put the piles of leaves into garbage bags). As soon as I walked out, I got crap about how lazy I am and how I am pretty much getting a free ride in my own home. I ignore it, and begin bagging. Well, we only have 2 garbage bags and we have 10 piles, I mean mountains of leaves. So Dad leaves to go buy more bags and Travis and I are left to do the dirty work. No prob, I can handle it. The entire time, Travis is teling me that I am doing it wrong, like there is a right way to rake. Well, right before I introduce my foot to his testicles, Dad comes home. What a bunch of pansies. If you want me to help, don't complain about how I do it all wrong. At least I freaking did it!!! And to make matters even better, it starts raining. We finish, and I go inside. This was at about 11:30ish. I came straight upstairs, turned my computer on, wanting to rant and write all of this in my lj, when Mom walks in and tells me turn my computer off because of the thunder. So I sat around for 3 hours, contemplating my revenge ont the male species. I'm still trying to figure out what to do, but at least the thunder is gone.
I was supposed to babysit tonight, but they cancelled on me, because they are ALL sick. So no money for me.
The Weather Bug on my Comp says that it is 57 degrees outside.
The sad part is, the day is not even over yet."
Ok, that was insanely not like me to write something like that in this journal, but I guess the weather will do that to you.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. Happy Saturday!