Been thinking...

Apr 27, 2008 13:28

I figured this entry was in order, what with changeness and whatnot. So my goals, to be accomplished at my leisure, of course:

- learn Spanish
- learn Chinese (ahh, yes, I needs to...)
- get back on the piano
- pick up guitar again (yes, all the way back from 7th grade with Wynkoop)
- take one reasonably photogenic picture with boyface (have you seen the one on facebook?!)
- get some muscle tone-age (maybe if I steal my neighbor's dog to go on runs with? he's a retriever, he can handle it)
- land me a summer job! (IHOP ftw please?)
- make some better friends on hall in college (I hang out with the guys so much, I feel really distanced from the girls. it's not my fault they're annoying!)
- college party with Harry. he knows how to have sane fun
- figure out what I'm going to do for a career (research? doctor?)
- and, of course and very very important, see everyone I <3 this summer. I misses you guys.

And I think that's it. Those are long term goals there, people! Okays, now I really really need to back. Bus back to school leaves in two hours!

music, friends, work, languages, goals, james, life, carolina, harry appler

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