Aug 04, 2005 01:09
I wish that things could just feel good right now, but they don't. I found out that Amina smoked last night and it hurts alot :/. I'm pissed off but I'm kinda happy that SHE told me face to face without have to find it out by someone else or find it out in a hard way. I think I took it better that way. I'm upset but not as upset as I would ave been if I found out a different way or if it was smoking with different. I'm just glad that she told me. :/ Now I feel like shit because I'm gonna have to deal with this on my conscious...AGAIN.
Also, I went to Wal-Mart on my break with my co-worker Mindy because she had to get some stuff I had nothing better to do and as I was walking out Ashley (David's g/f) yelled at me saying hey. Well, she went to there house after they left there and told everybody....Juan, Tony, Vero, Amina, and Bean that I was at Wal-Mart with another everybody started talkin shit about "how thats messed up" and making them think shit like I was pullin shit on Amina. Amina shoudl know it was nothing...they all tought I was pullin some shit because I beeped Amina when we got back to Sonic and told her hey and talked to her. I told her I had to go and about 20 or 30 minutes Ashley got over there and said that she saw me at Wal-Mart with Another girl like 5 minutes ago...yeah, right. You can't even drive from fuckin Wal-Mart to there house in 5 minutes...I was more upset because Bean was sayin shit and I would think that she is more of my friend than to say some shit but, yeah....I guess not. Tony was being Tony as usual and Juan, whatever he can do to split Amina and I up and as much he can feed into Amina's head he will do it to break us up because he wants some of that...but he's not gonna get any of that. So fuck all them. But Vero told her that she has nothing to worry about and I respect that alot and thats why I got Vero's back and she has mine. She understands me more than any of them mo-fo's. So things with that are good.
That was a long ass paragraph....but yeah I got pissed off at Amina because Juan said something abotu me when we were at the park and she wouldn't tell me what he said so I got pissed off at her and she was gonna try to find a way to get around to see if I was lying or not but yeah...all Amina has to talk to me and things will be ok...hopefully she willf inally understand that one of these days. I heard her say at one point "I'm with Chris right now" and Juan said "I don't care" He can eat shit. I don't know he wants Amina just like he wanted Bean...he can't either of them. So he can eat shit.
Gonna hang out with Chrystal again 2morrow...I want Amina to go with us I don't know what were gonna do though :/ But yeah, I'll get off of here now CYA