Aug 01, 2019 18:38
So, after a two year break, I'm back in karate. C is old enough for the teen/adult class now, and I promised him at least a month of participation on my part.
We'll see how my body holds up. When I stopped last time I had a sore shoulder and something wrong internally with my foot. Time and rest took care of both those things, but last year I hurt my hip/back overdoing it in completely non karate related activities. Six months ago I wouldn't have been going back. It's a good thing I didn't notice they dropped the top age of the kids class to 12. C accidentally ended up with a 5 month grace period.
Now he will try volunteering one day each week in the kids class and we'll both attend the adult class twice a week.
I'll reevaluate my physical limitations at the end of the month.