Dec 01, 2013 17:40
A few weeks ago, C (7) told me he could tell me the number order of any number from 1 to 100. He asked me to test him on it, and indeed, he could. He knows things like eighty two is 82, and twenty eight is 28. A few days after that he asked me to quiz him on any number up to a thousand. He told me he can see them in his head.
When he was younger he thought about numbers in patterns of fives. When he was a little older he had no qualms about the concept of variables (an idea that made his sister, three years older, twitchy).
However, up until a month ago, he couldn't reliably count past the number 12 (mostly due to pronunciation issues over 13 and 14). Something that would have landed him into an underachieving category if he were schooled.
Each in his own time, something homeschooling gives us the freedom to provide our kids.