Jun 10, 2007 12:33
so feel like a update of every thing, just not day to day stuff.
hmmm havnt been saying ne thing about my dad latly, mostly cuz all my post now are public, dont ask why, they just are. but yeah things are the same like always. i try to stay out as late as i can get. altho cuz shocking that this weekend my mom went away to FL and things have been ok, weird enough, but still good.
umm doctors and every thing well went in again earlier in the week, still high numbers, still thinking about how we should handle this. but im just acting like every thing is good, thats how i want it to be, thats wut they tell me to do. theres certain things i cant do for now, but its not like its every day things, so im not worried or upset or any thing. my allergies have been killing me to death, idk wut to do about it, ive been on my meds for almost a month now and they havnt kicked in. and i dont think its a good thing when you wake up coughing up blood and having bloody noses from sneezing so much, and having ur eyes blood shot so much, lol. oh well some thing will come up so i can get it fixed.
school stuff: **sigh** the SCC has the meeting 2morrow at 9:00am as the letter says. but i dont know when they'll let me know any thing? tiff brie and james are taking me to bean town to keep my mind off things but still i am so nervous. i swear if i dont get back in i will be a wreak for at least one day, thats all im giving myself, one day/ night to go through being sad, mad, angry with myself, and depress, (so i cant be alone) and then the next day i have to go on with salem state to see what i can do. and if i can go back, im going to do an online class to repeat my english grade to make up the D i got, just to show them that i truly want to do good and i want to be there. yeah i know i fucked up during the school year, i got too cought up in my life with andy and every one else. no of course i dont blame andy, this is my fault, but i know i would have done better if i didnt always blow off my work to be with him. but yeah that wont be a problem if i can go back.
which leads me into my other stuff thats kinda been on my mind. havnt talked to andy or rob since both falling outs: robs and mines fight and the night andy and i were talking online and he didnt want to talk about the past. oh well, im getting use to it in a way. i dont miss rob at all any more, i could care less. although i did hear that the other day he fell on his back and got really hurt that he had to go to boston hospital to have his heart check out, so i do hope he's ok, its not like i want him to die or any thing, just stop acting like a fuck head. andy: who the hell knows, i stoped reading his LJ, just stopped every thing, if he doesnt want to be in an effort to be friends and just have that one talk to be friends, then its his lost. i have no idea wut he's been up to, who knows maybe dating some one else now, i wouldnt be suprise if it was katie, but maybe he's happy? guess ill never know, it'll be funny tho that come the fall and if i can go back to school that he then tries to talk to me cuz ill be back in NH, not going to happen tho. i fucked up last fall by spending too much time off campus that i need to saty on and make solid friendships with people at school, not out fo it.
friends down here have kicked ass. been speding all my time with either: tiff, brie and james, with some times with alex or jose. or either edwin and jery with chris, orlando, and all the other guys. i havnt seen ashley amy or xtina for a while, which makes me sad. they have work alot, so they cant hang out alot, idk maybe we can all get to gether soon, i miss them. umm but yeah tiff brie and i most just hang out, we've baked alot or go shopping for our parents, which is funny, or go to B&N to just sit and read, kinda funny, we always find the odd stuff to go out and do. while with edwin and jery is my down time with funny ass stuff. i dont think ive ever laughed so much with these group of guys so much b4. all we need is a spot to be maybe some DS's, phones and our selves and its never dull. i just love being with them so much. i cant wait for edwin and chris to be out of school, thats when its going to get better and all the time. i really only get to be with edwin on fridays and saturdays, maybe one other day during the week. but come summer oo boy, going to be fun. i think our first task is cleaning out jerys pool, which is going to be gross as ever, lol.
but yeah mmm summer. start work this week, wenseday so thats good, i really need money now. tho i need another job cuz yeah i do need money but i also need to save a shit load if im able to go back to snhu in the fall. but yeah every thing else seems good. dont know wut else to say, so yeah, to the summer, lol.