Jun 03, 2007 13:14
so last night was the party at erica for james. wasnt all that good. started out ok, BBQ and james tiff and i went out and got some drinks. but some where it went bad cuz james was out side on the phone for a long time and erica didnt take it to well and shit went down, so it was a lil of a downer, tho things did bounce back, but still it wasnt really ne thing big. guitar hero II was being played all night, like from when i got there till almost 3am, kinda boring. then the computer was being used alot for WoW, so again some thing not that exciting. idk i didnt end up drinking so much and i was the one who drank the most out of the night. jose was being all emo kinda, but himself. refusing to sleep on the pull out couch, which was stupid cuz no one was on it. erica and alex where in her room, luaren was in the extra room with james. i crashed on the couch next to the pull out and tiff wanted to floor, but yeah jose was still being stupid and slept in a chair. idk just kinda a boring party, then again the only people who i knew really really well were tiff and james and they were talking with this girl cammi and her bf alot about past stuff so i kinda felt like either an odd ball out or the new person.
dont feel good right now, not cuz of the drinking, i barly got buzzed as it was, but my allergies are killing me, i hate it cuz it still hasnt kicked in yet for my meds. woke up with my eyes killing me and burning again cuz all the windows were open. my dad finally put in my AC too cuz he saw my eyes yesterday with how blod shot they were and swollen, it was cuz i had to have my windows open and a fan on cuz it was so hot, so he put my AC in, so i dont have to open my windows. and my mom wants me to dust my own room and clean it to get ride of the dust and pollen in my room. idk wut it was about this summer but my allergies are worse than they ever been.
hopfully jery is having a movie night 2night so i can hang with my favs 2night. if not then i might stay in for the night, get some rest and every thing. tho i might go over edwins too, i need a hug so i want to see him, lol. him and jery make me the happiest all the time, i love being with them. lol.
ok but for now its nap time cuz im dead tired. <3333