
Jan 11, 2005 21:48

hi people wut up

lalaalalaalaaaalalalalaa im am soo bored lalalalalalalala im bored
math sucks asss lalalaa

never give up never surender

hi people, ill just put every thing be hind me and keep on goin thats what ill ! Try to seperate the good from all the bad, try to find some good and that will keep u going. Theres all ways some thing out there for u, u just got to look hard enuff then one day u'll find what makes u happy and keeps u from wanting to kill your self, when u find it dont let it go keep it for all times and u'll never want to die agin, soo look and find that thing to make ur life special wheather its peerson or pet fine it and take good care of it cause once u lose it u'll nver get it back
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