
Dec 18, 2004 01:10

Yeah.. today has been a big day last night i ended up falling asleep at 5 in the morning when i was suppose to get up at 630 to go to school well as you can guess i did not get up for school lol.. i ended up just goin in for my 6th hour so i could finish my term paper.. after school my brother kenny and john picked me up and took me to my work to give out my christmas cards and pick up my check which was hardly anything lol.. yeah well then i came home and brandey came over til she had to go to the school and i took a shower and went up to the basketball game at fitz and the lost both games badly lol.. to bad.. hehe.. i got to meet brandeys friend boob and his friend jeff .. their cool. and after the game i went home cause my mom called and was acting weird who knows what was wrong with her so yeah it took forever to get her to let me leave and i ended up going with brandeys two friends up to meijers with them and it was pretty boring.. i came home and now im sitting here really bored.. i think jason is coming over at like 2 but i dunno but im really tired so he should hurry up lol.. cause if not im going to fall asleep .. yeah but tomorrow i have bowling and i get to go and spend all my money on christmas gifts and shit which is gonna really suck lol .. i cant buy anything for myseld this is gonna blow.. lol.. well yeah christmas is in 8 days so that is really cool concidering i get lots of new clothes and new stuff and im exicted and its closer to my birthday!!.. im excited .. lol.. well once again im rambling cause i am tired so im outtie.. xoxo.. latas
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