Aug 08, 2009 13:36
Mom came and left, we had a good visit in the end. A lot of fighting and bickering...a lotof underhanded comments, but it takes time. The last night was a good one. It was the first time in the whole trip I felt happy to have her here with out feeling stressed. I mean we had a lot of fun together watching army wives and big love,going to the Dole Plantation, paddling, Shangrila house- Doris Duke, and the Oahu train, but I felt something else behind me that soiled the visit for me. Something like anger that still holds strong, and wouldn't let up. But i started to find a little peace towards the end, and I know there is more to be found for those of us (ie my family) that are willing to look. so she left at the end of July- I took the rest of that weekend off except for a night of debauchry with Nat. Well it wasn't so badd just a few too many beers at Nashville Waikiki and Varsity. Where Nat met an Chief Warrant Officer that I was convinced was not who he said he was..turned out he Starting Monday I started paddling again. ..went out to New Hope monday and wed, and Kamahao Tuesday, then took Thursday and Friday off and went down to Chinatown tonight with NAt, Private Dancer (Chief) and her new roomate Scott. Went to Bar 35 and it was hot and kinda when Nat's other friends were there and we were dancing, but then lame in the end. Then we went to a little dive place call Sam's Union Bar where there was a Japanese bachelor celebrating the night before his wedding by dancing around like a crazy spastic ballerina. Him and his friends turned the place into a crazy riot...the characters in that I told Nat during the night- if only I was a one point a black man in a pink pin striped suit with a feather in his hat, walked in shook people's hands..and then walked out...neighborhood pimp? Scott made friends with a local guy convinced he would teach him to surf- i don't see that happening but whatev... and we generally had a good time. Got home at 3 and woke up at 7 for paddle practice- went out today and was one of 6...and one of 4 regular Kamahao paddlers. Had an awesome paddle probably between 4 and 6 miles out in the beautiful calm swells (calm before the storm as we prepare for the hurricane!!) It was wonderfully relaxing, then I came home, made breaky, talked to John, watched Shark week and had an uncomfortable conversation with Uncle Bob about switching teams, and now he is all upset..and Tav has to go talk to him... oiyy vey ... that's all for now. I had something to write about a family situation, but I'm going to wait until I'm more awake.
Oh but one thing.. I had a wonderful dream about Leify the other night- so great I pressed snooze 4 or 5 times to get back to it. i was holding him in the carrier- he looked the same as the last time i saw him, but he was more developed mentally- he was talking and more aware of our relationship together, as he kept hugging and kissing me. He was talking to Care and Tim and asking them for things with this beautiful little voice. I remember hugging him over and over and feeling his soft baby skin... I hope it was just something sent to me to get excited about Liam coming! :)