May 10, 2009 20:25
So I know this is the boring journal, but what are you going to do..I have a book in front of me titled "The Biggest Medical Lie of the Last 50 years" which is all about eating cows, soy causing homosexuality, and how sunbathing doesn't cause skin cance....and i also have a glass fo it's all good. I'm happy because for the first time in 8 months I'm free from worrying about school and grades, and homework, and getting everything done. The last 8 months have been crazy with both good and bad things, and school just made it crazier. I got really stressed about my grades, because I don't think I should get less than a 4.0 at HPU...but bow it's out of my hands and that feels so good. This weekend was nice. Friday was Leify's birthday, which was hard. I had a good day at work, but I ended up being late for my final. So it took me till 8:10 to take the final, and then I talked to my professor about getting a Phd for a while. Then I drove home and ate and watched Office Space with John. I had a mini breakdown because he told me I smelled bad, andthen I figured I smelled bad in class so I got embarassed, and then I heard the baby talking upstairs, so I started crying because I miss Leify and he should be talking right now. But we got over it, and had fun watching Office Space, then drank more beer and watched Prom Night..then went to bed around was fun, and good happy drunky night with my husband.
We had a race on Saturday, but since Imissed practice all week, and so did John, we figured we weren't going to compete. So we had every intention of going and hanging out while everyone else competed. (hence the beer) But that was not the case, We showed up and they through us in 1 and 2 seat in the less competitive or B side canoe..I was a little nervous, but excited because the water was clear and beautiful, hardly any wind, and they wanted to give me a shot. The race was great, my crew was awesome, and John encouraged me the whole time, it was like a dream come true to share that with him. Paddling is a very spiritual sport. you get out in the water and share it with Honus, seals, rays, and the occassional shark, and they are allowing you to pass in their land. You share that water with those who passed before you both physicall and spiritually. Went you get out there, and you get in rhythm, you feel that energy coming through you. Not all the time of course, it gets frustrating, at one point I felt like I hit a wall and slowed everyone down, but you keep going and work through. And when you do face a big wave or challenging water you rise to it, because you have to. It is something I'm learning as I go, and according to the Lanikai girls I ain't seen nothing yay! I guess... o well I need to take this paddling thing one thing at a time :) AFter the race some people were hanging out to have some beers, but we headed out to do some grocery shopping and relax. We got home eventually watched some 30 rock and No Country for Old Men and had some was a good relaxing evening.
Today we slept in, started to watch Treasure of the Sierra Madre, and started cleaning for Andie to come. We have so much stuff and it is jsut seeping out of every crack in this house, but I guess that is part of the ecletic- ready for anything life style. Around 2 we headed over to Kapolei for Tacos del Mar, and Home Depot, then we met Nat and Justin for the new Star Trek movie-which was fantastic. Except in the theater I spilled soda all over me, and then my pants ripped..John and I were crackign up at how we were definitely the scrubby couple. I guess were dorks like that. On the way home I talked to Care for a while, and now here I am with my wine :) good first free weekend...I have just under 4 months now of freedom!! (except for work that is, but it feels so much better with it just being work..its only 20 to 30 hours a week too)
so March 24 John and I went out hiking in the pinebarrens, we walked a few miles and took a ton of pictures of the cool cranberry bogs for my boss. She just read the boook Plum Lucky and is totally into the idea of cranberyy bogs, pineys, and the jersey devil. Afterward we came home and started cooking for a family get together. We made mac and cheese with butternut squash, it was a hit. Lianna, Keith, Anna,Elena,Rob, Aunt Maren, Nana, and Poppop came over, and we all had a blast catching up.
March 25- took off early- said goodbye to my Mom- felt bad..she wanted to come visit us at Aunt Maren's for the next Sunday, but we weren't going to get in in time. We drove into Philly and met up with Amanda. Philadelphia is a pretty cool city, I honestly don't know a lot about it, but I like where Amanda lives.. she is surrounded by so, bars, restaurants, people in it was pretty fun to go do something new and to see Amanda, who played such an important role in the first 10 years of my life, and seems to be one of those people that you can sit down with and just catch up like it's no big thing. We went out for brunch, and had a really good time. Afterward we had to head to PA, we took the long way to Buffalo because we wanted to make a stop in Altoona, and see Diesel, Bob, Rock, Lana(baby on the way), and Eddie. So I drove through PA while John read to me from God's Middle Finger. We ate at the Wine Cellar, a cute little Italian place, and caught up with everyone, then we got to see Bob and Diesels house they have been fixing up...which is beautiful. But alas, we had to cut the reunion short, and around 9 pm we were on the road again, John driving, heading north on 99. We had talked about spending the night somewhere, but I think John was really excited about goinghome and seeing his Mom, and being in his old home that he drove us straight through and we arrived around 3am. It was a nice suprise for Mom J, and so i think he made the right decision.
March 26, we slept in til 11ish or 1, then got up and ran some errands with John's mom, nothing big just getting ready for a get together that night. I like going to see John's family because there is always a lot of wine drinking :) That night Aunt Sandy, Uncle Eddy, eddy, Renee, Renee's boyfriend, little Isable, Barb, Dave, David, and Linda came over. I had a blast playing with all the kids, we did balloon beat ups, and then Dave and Barb left and John and I got to help Linda and David with their homework and hang out with them. They are really great kids.
March 27, Isabel ended up spending the night, so we had her all day on Friday, which was awesome. I got up early and ran a little on the treadmill. Then Linda made us all pancakes. This is a classic Linda thing here. She asks me if I would mind chocolate chips in my pancakes, I say that would be fine, and then she spends the rest of the day telling everyone that Rachel and Marie wanted chocolate chips in their pancakes so that is why we made them..making us look likelittle kids... which I think Linda see us as. I think she was first threatened when we got married, but then she realized she could just treat me like a kid and I would be non-threatening, I play along now but I'm not going to play along forever, it will be an issue when we have kids..but more on taht later. So anywho, we got up and went to tea with Grandpa and Grandma Johnson. I don't think John was quite prepared for how much Grandma Johnson has detiorated in motor and mental capability, and it was really hard for him. I think it was really nice that Linda got to comfort him about it instead of me, because he is her son, and she deserves that right. I try to be very open for her, because, especially after Leify passing, I realize more now than ever that the bond between parents and their child is so very special, and while what John and I have is very special, I can't pretend it is better/worse, or the same...they require equal attention and respect. So it was alittle hard, but John's grandmas is still in good spirits, and so is Grandpa Johnson- who is really sharp and together. We had a good time, and little Isabel really lightened the mood. Afterward, we dropped Rachel off at work. She wanted to show us around so John, Isabel and I went in. It was cute because everyone assumed she was oura nd it was kinda fun, having a little "family" After the library we went to a park by the Niagra River, Isabel got to run and play, and we skipped stones and enjoyed the rare beautiful New York weather. Afterward we stopped for beer and chicken wings at acute little place, and I was really impressed that Linda actually asked John about Iraq and wanted to know what he did...which is a lot, because she doesn't ask a lot of questions like that. then we came home and went out to pick up Barb and the kids, and we had a little bbq. We all played tag like crazy, I picked up Isabel and ran with her, and generally had a great time with her. I had a great time with all of the kids, and John was out there too, it really got me thinking about what kind of family we will have. Anyway I have a rant coming about this subject, but it wil have to wait for later, I have chamomielle tea, and a bed waiting for me.