Nov 01, 2005 22:18
Haha i hope everyone had a great halloween! I did! I got to dress up at work, Then i visited Cheryl, Zoe, Rich and Kathlynn, then I went to see Natalie, but she wasn't feeling too good. I felt really bad for her cuz she was sick on halloween and didn't get to go trick or treating :( I went trick or treating, but didn't get very much candy cuz it was raining lol. But it was cool cuz i was wearing a dress and Chris offered me his coat. (Very awwww worthy) haha.
On Saturday i went to National, came home and watched House of Wax, which was pretty good i thought. I enjoyed the company tho. It made me feel real special!
So Work is going pretty well, except they're making me the new insurance lady. I'm really kind of scared. Cuz that means extra responsibility for me, which scares me a lot lol. But i guess I'll get used to it.
I don't really update much anymore, cuz even when i do, they're short and boring, with not much to say.
All i really do is work and then come home lol.
Talked to Jordan today, i was kind of excited cuz i haven't talked to him in a while. We talked about how i'm gonna try and get buff AGAIN lol. but We'll see. I need some inspiration. Cuz i'm a lazy piece of crap haha.
I love crushes, for about all of a week and then i get frustrated cuz i read into crap too much and i worry a lil. It sucks a lot.
So now that i've bored your brains out, i'm gonna get going lol.
Sweet dreams everyone!
I love how Something so simple can make me smile and think about you all the time ;)