Merry Christmas! (Eve)

Dec 24, 2004 01:31

Im so happy that tomorrow is CHRISTMAS EVEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! That means ONE MORE DAY TIL CHRISTMASSSSS YEAHYEAHYEAAAAH lol, I love Christmas. Well.. sort of. This Christmas, Im not with Gen. =( He's having fun back at home. It was really cool on the day I dropped him (and Rhea) off at the airport, cuz NAOYUKI called me and was like, "Obachan, Im in Hawaii right now for a stop over" and so I told him to get OUT cuz I was right outside. hahaha, and THEN Gen got a call from his friend Pat Villanueva saying that he TOO was in for a stop over, and so we ALL ended up going to Pearl Ridge for 10 MINUTES cuz they had to check in by I dunno... 30 minutes? lol. It was sad when the 3 of them went inside the airport... I felt so ... ALOOONE =( I wanted to go too!!
oh well. sooooo, I graduated, and theres nothing else more in my life right now but excitement and nervousness about next month (that make any sense?). =P I miss work, but I cant go cuz Im not a student n/e more.... but here are some pictures from my grad!!

This is right before I walked into the Stan Sheriff Center... My Heart was *POUNDING*

Just waiting for my turn to go get my fake diploma =P (real ones come in 10 weeks after the ceremony... lol)

afterwards @ the baseball field. getting tons of leis! Smells good but...

...getting kinda scared cuz I seriously couldnt BREATHE (with my yakuza/mafia parents)

The rest of my family + grandmama from Washington

sisters... Bibo is a fellow c/o 2004. wierd...?

Gen & his lovely smile with out showing teeth. =D

Bibo & her WAY TOOOO BIG smile. (but its nice =D =D =D)

Crazy & Shorty, since ever since.

The chef made some PIG CAKES @ the restaurant that we ate at after my graduation... because I was born on the year of the *oink*

They made me this too ♥


Has nothing to do with this, but this is the night view from my new apartment. My old place is in the center... *sniff*

n/e who. im going last minute shopping with Jina tomorrow!! Im actually looking more forward to the after Christmas sales... bleh. I just bought myself a pink Apple (mini) ipod yesterday! I got student discount toooo! woohoooo!! now I can match with Gen's own (blue) ♥ teeheee. but I still want the OC First Season DVD... =( geeeeeeeeee. going to bed now. buh byeeeeeeeee.
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