Silk & Wool

Jul 05, 2013 12:27

Title: Silk & Wool
Author: crazycatt71
Fandom: BBC's Sherlock
Pairing: John/Sherlock
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 143
Warnings: None
Summary: A purple silk shirt & an oatmeal colored wool jumper
A/N: This was written for the prompt "clothes on the floor" on
dailyprompt over on DW

In the bedroom off the kitchen in the flat at 221-B Baker Street the clothes of John Watson and Sherlock Holmes lay strewn about the floor; tossed there in a lust fueled frenzy. A purple silk shirt and oatmeal colored jumper lay tangled together like the two men on the bed above them.  Soft mummers and gentle words sound like silk sliding against wool.  A hitch of breath and the slick sounds of flesh on flesh sound like scratchy wool moving on smooth silk. The temperature rises as the passion builds; musky sweat, a faint smell of silk and wool fill the air. A harsh cry, a final raspy sound and the room goes quiet except for the occupants’ ragged breathing as one man collapses beside the other; arms around each other as silk pools in a heap beside wool, sleeves still twined.

john, rating- pg-13, sherlock holmes, dailyprompt, sherlock, john watson, story

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