Lust Inducer

Mar 03, 2013 16:18

Title: Lust inducer
Author: crazycatt71
Fandom: BBC's Sherlock
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1182
Warnings: None
Summary: Sherlock tries to make sex pollen
A/N: this was written for the sex pollen square on my
trope_bingo card
All of the things listed in this are concidered natural lust inducers according to Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs.

Sherlock huffed and hunched down, curling into a ball on the sofa beside John. John gave him a warning look before turning his attention back to the telly. Sherlock swallowed the sarcastic comment he wanted so desperately to make but couldn’t: he had agreed to watch the ridiculous show as payment for ruining another of John’s jumpers. Most of Star Trek, was complete crap, even if he could relate, in a very small way to the character called Mr. Spock, who was a member of a race that forswore all emotion in favor of logic. Sherlock approved wholeheartedly of that, but the whole plot of the episode was beyond ridiculous. Mr. Spock had been sprayed by some alien plant whose pollen made whoever came in contact with it fall in love with the next person they saw and was running around, acting like a fool. Sherlock remained silent for as long as he could then exploded.

“I’m sorry John, I know I said I’d watch a show of your choosing without complaint, but I cannot keep quiet anymore,” he shouted as he jumped to his feet, “ leaving out all the laws of physics that are being broken, the utter ill logic, and really bad dialog for the moment, there is no such thing as sex pollen.”

John just smiled and shut off the television.

“Of all the things you found wrong with the program, you latch onto sex pollen.” John commented as he shut the television off and stood up.

“It is an idiotic idea.” Sherlock huffed.

“Oh, I don’t know,” John said as he headed into the kitchen, “it’s a known fact that certain foods can increase libido so why couldn’t there, theoretically, be other substances that could, I don’t know, enhance sexual attraction or increase lust?”

Sherlock crossed his arms across his chest and snorted, dismissing the idea without saying a word.

John decided to let the subject drop as he put the kettle on.

“What foods?” Sherlock demanded from right behind him.

John jumped and spun around, bumping into Sherlock. His heart raced at the closeness and he had to swallow several times before he could speak.

“Look them up if you really want to know.” he said, proud of how calm he sounded.

Sherlock huffed and stomped off. John had a brief image of Sherlock slurping down oysters before he firmly pushed it out of his head. He was not going to think about his madding flat mate and aphrodisiacs.

John came home from work a week later to find Sherlock sitting at the table, typing on his laptop, stopping every so often to read the screen and take notes.

“Do you like avocados?” Sherlock asked as John headed toward the stairs.

“No, not really.” John replied, “Why?”

“How about capers?”

“They are ok, not one of my favorite foods.” John told him, “Why the sudden interest in what foods I like?”

John waited for a moment, when nothing else was said, he decided he didn’t want to know and went up to his room.

The next morning when John came into the kitchen, Sherlock handed him a cup of tea.

“Try this.” he ordered.

John gave the cup a suspicious sniff.

“It’s not poisoned.” Sherlock told him.

John took a small sip and gagged.

“That’s awful, what’s in it?” John said.

“Ginseng, hibiscus, lemongrass, and mint.” Sherlock said, “How do you feel?”

“In desperate need of a proper cup of tea.” John said, heading to the stove.

Sherlock nodded and left the room.

While he waited for the kettle to boil, John tried to remember what was so special about those herbs but his mind wouldn’t come up with anything so he let it go.

Two days later, after solving a case that had them running all over London, John flopped down in his chair with a weary sigh.

“I’ll order take a way,” Sherlock announced, “Thai alright?”

John nodded. Sherlock went down to pay for the food and then carried it into the kitchen. John walked in just in time to see him sprinkling something over the food.

“What’s that?” he demanded.

“A new spice blend,” Sherlock said, “It contains garlic, saffron, and a few other spices. Try it and tell me what you think.”

John took a bite of the food.

“A bit too much garlic but not bad.” he said after he had swallowed.

Sherlock watched him while he ate, picking at his own food. John finished eating, put away the leftovers and went into the sitting room. Sherlock sat at the table, scribbling in his notebook for a while, then went into his room. John had decided to go to bed and was at the bottom of the stairs when Sherlock came hurrying out of his room. He stopped beside John and blew a powder off his palm into John’s face. John couched and sneezed for several minutes, his eyes watering as he tried to catch his breath.

“What the Bloody hell was that?” he demanded when he could talk.

"Caraway, cat tail, cinnamon, daisy, damiana, deerstonuge, dill, eryngo, galangal, garlic, ginseng, grains of paradise, hibiscus, lemongrass, licorice, mint, nettle, onion, parsley, rosemary, saffron, black snakeroot, southernwood, vanilla, violet, witch grass, yerba mate, and yohimbe.” Sherlock recited.

“And just what was the purpose of blowing all of that in my face?” John asked.

“To see if sex pollen really worked.” Sherlock said, “All of those ingredient are supposed to be natural lust enhancers.”

John stared at Sherlock, his brain whirling as the names of all the herbs from the last week clicked into place. His flat mate, the man he had been lusting after for what seemed like forever, had been trying to induce lust in him.

“You do realize if your sex pollen had worked, the first person I’d have seen would have been you.” John said.

Sherlock looked at a point past John’s shoulder, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

“I know.” he said softly.

John grinned and stepped close enough to Sherlock to feel his body heat.

“If you wanted to know if I wanted you, you could have just asked.” John told him.

“Would that have worked?” Sherlock asked.

“Try it and see.” John replied.

“John do you want me, in a sexual manor?” Sherlock asked in a soft voice.

Instead of answering, John gently place a hand on the back of Sherlock’s head and pulled it down until their lips met.   Sherlock wrapped his arms around John as John’s tongue teased along his lips before sliding past them to plunder his mouth. When the need for air became too strong to ignore, John pulled back.

“Is that the answer you were hoping for?” he asked.

“Yes.” Sherlock said.

“So there will be no more experiments with sex pollen or aphrodisiacs or any other lust inducers, right?” John said.

“Well, that depends.” Sherlock said.

“On what?” John demanded.

“On whether you want to let a dozen oysters on the half shell go to waste.” Sherlock told him.

John grinned, shook his head, and pulled Sherlock in for another kiss.

trope bingo, john, rating- pg, sherlock holmes, sherlock, john watson, story

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