I ran across this while reading about building up a wardrobe for the fashion clueless and thought it might be of interest to the rest of you. It's the 10 articles of clothing the incomparable Tim Gunn thinks every woman of any size or shape should own.
Embarrassingly enough, I have a whopping 3 of these things--and that's only if you think my jeans make me look great. I think they keep me from being naked or plagued with camel toe and that's about it, personally, but I'm too cheap and lazy to fool with finding alternatives.
- Basic Black Dress - The basic black dress hasbeen around for a long time. It is often called the "Little BlackDress", and it's true that shorter skirts on the basic black dress,when they hit you in the right place, can be more flattering than along black dress.
- Trench Coat - The trenchcoat is one of the pieces that is both classic and currently a hotfashion item. Most any store sells this piece now. It is great for falland you can pick it up in a wide range of lengths.
- Classic Dress Pants -Although it doesn't say black, this is probably what you want to lookfor. Black is flattering on all figures and goes with everything.
- White Shirt -The white shirt is a definite classic. But it can also come in manydifferent styles to make it look trendy and not dated or like a man'spiece of clothing. Find one that accentuates your best attributes andminimizes trouble spots. For example, if you have wide shoulders, stayaway from large collars.
- Jeans - Everyone hasa pair of jeans, but does everyone have a pair of jeans that make themlook great? The wider leg, low-rise jean style has been popular (andstill is) but a narrower leg is coming back along with a higher waist,which eliminates the unflattering "muffin top" look.
- Cashmere Sweater -This is one item probably not many people own. But including it forcespeople to buy a piece of clothing that is high quality and that is alsoa luxury item. Having a cashmere sweater in your closet is like givinga gift to yourself. And aren't you worth it?
- Skirt -If you need dress pants then you also need a skirt. A skirt is womanlyand can be flirty or businesslike. Nowadays women do not wear manyskirts or dresses, which makes a lot of them fall into a rut ofdressing sloppily or like men. See number 8.
- Day Dress - Womenalso are not wearing as many dresses anymore. It was certainly liberating to go from the '50s when women wore dresses every day towearing more practical pants for gardening, exercising, and so forth.But the dress does not have to be abandoned altogether. They can bevery flattering, and there is nothing wrong with "dressing up" fordaytime.
- Blazer - The blazer sounds verymasculine, but when you get the right one with a proper shape it isnot. Women's blazers should follow the silhouette of a woman's body andaccent the hourglass curve at her waist. It is also a perfect piece toput with the skirt or dress pants, and white shirt. Or make it casualwith a pair of jeans.
- Sweat Suit Alternative -As mentioned before, women wear fewer skirts and dresses these days.But some women have taken casual to the extreme and spend days on endin sweat suits. It is possible to be casual and comfortable withoutlooking like a slob. Find a comfortable material (that's why thisdoesn't say jeans again - denim is not as comfortable as a nice softcotton) that you would want to wear every day. It could be khakis,cords, a cotton dress, or much more.
Bonus: One Indulgent Trendy Item