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Oct 29, 2005 21:22

Today was so rad. It didn't go at all as planned though. Just like yesterday. hahaha. Yesterday I was gonna go to the movies and then to E3. But then, at nary the last minute mom reminded me we had school pictures for ID's and crap. So I had to cancel the movie idea. I then remembered that my friend Chris got out of class early on fridays so I called him and asked if he wanted to hang after pictures. That was a positive. The photographer decided to be an hour late, of course. So Chris ended up chilling at Guitar Center. Finally the guy shows up, and we're the last ones on the list. So by like, 4:00 I'm home, and Chris showed up and so did our friend Kye. That kid is so funny. We hung out in my front yard for about an hour. I had to be at church by 5:30 to help set up for E3, and the guys came along to help. Then we got some food and hung out at best buy till 7:30. E3 was awesome, as always. All of you that can should come. It's great. Then we hung out talking. HAHAA those boys are funny! Kye kept making jokes about my being a belly dancer though, that kinda bugged me. then on home, because I don't wanna piss max off. *sigh* just a couple more months... Anyways, I stayed up too late talking to daniel and brian, and slept in. I was planning on grabbing some coffee with B, but turns out he was running late, and I couldn't get ahold of him. So I called Brian, cause he had wanted to do something today too. The conversation was essentially "Hey man, what's up? Wanna do something today?" "yeah, wanna go flying with me, dad, and the geezer patrol?" "really?!" "yeah." "Heck yes!!! Lemme call mom." called mom, she said yes. called brian back, and he tells me to be ready in ten minutes. Ha, I had just awoken, literally. So I rushed through the morning ritual as fast as I could. We got to the airport and pretty much jumped into the plane. I was soooooo nervous. DUUUDe. they even had barf bags! (haha, brian gets plane sick sometimes) But we took off, no problems. and climbed. It was so awesome. It's like a roller coaster sort of. It's such a rush to see the world drop away. I was looking at all the houses and streets knew, and all the freeways, I had the headphones on, so I heard the tower talking to other pilots and to Mr hollman. They were using freeways and the speedway as landmarks and nav guides. It was sooo cool. We landed at el monte and went into the cafe. I met some of the geezer patrol. those guys are so funny! We talked about all kinds of stuff, like politics, monopolies, school. They are great. then we flew up to hesperia. It was so rad, cause we needed to fly higher to get over the mountains, and we got above the smog level. It's like a sea of smog, with puffs of clouds shooting up like islands. and the sky is so blue up there. but it's cold. lol. Got to Hesperia and got some fuel. and just hung out for a little while. then we flew home. I like the way the high desert just drops off into the inland empire. it's so cool looking. I got home bout two and hung with mom for a while. We got coffee and cookies and whipped cream. And just chilled and talked. It's so great to just talk to mom alone sometimes. then we got home again, and I called Daniel, cause he and I had wanted to play some chess. So I left about three and played a couple games of chess, some jenga and some jenga missile by toes assault. lol. then we watched this weird movie called "Zorro, they gay blade" it's about zorro's kids, one's a womanizer, and one's gay. It's weird. Took a walk and went to the pharmacy. cam home to babysitting and a broken computer I had to repair. Not quite done with that yet. All in all, the past two days have been so awesome! love me
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