(no subject)

Jun 21, 2004 07:04

I'm sorry to everyone who actually noticed my disappearance, I didn't mean to leave without a word. My life has been a whirlwind of crap lately. I'm pretty damn sure I reinjured my back and I've been working almost nonstop. I'm afraid to go to the doc and find out for sure though. I can't afford not to work and I certainly don't want to have surgery again. So I put off going in to see. I also don't want to seem like a hypochondriac. *sigh* So I am just dealing with the pain. I feel like I'm running on empty.

My dad hasn't been well either, he keeps getting lightheaded. I'm almost positive he has a blockage in his carotid arteries and I don't think his doc is taking proper care of him. I'm very worried about him, if he doesn't get checked out he could have a stroke. I'm absolutely terrified of something happening to him, he hasn't been the same since my mom died.

My aunt also has a herniated disc in her back so I've been trying to help her out. She can barely walk.

In short, I am miserably depressed because everything seems to go wrong no matter what I do and how positive I try to be. Goddess save me. My health is shit, my family's health is shit, and my boss remains an utter raving bitch.


Hubby kicks ass, got me a PS2 for my birthday. Now addicted to FFX and FFX-2. Love him.

Miss you guys, you know who you are.
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