My boss the bitch (again)

Mar 09, 2004 05:18

I was getting ready for bed last night around 11 since I have to get my stitches out at 9 am today and I get a phone call from the hospital. The charge nurse is asking me why I'm not at work. I'm on the schedule she says. WTF?!?!?! I say, I talked to the boss and told her my return to work would be delayed because of the complications related to surgery (I was supposed to come back the 9th which is today anyway and not yesterday). What the holy flying fuck? I told her I wasn't even having the stitches removed till the 9th. How the hell am I supposed to come back to work when I haven't even had the stitches out?! I told my boss two weeks ago that I'd call her TODAY and tell her when the doc said I could come back. And what really burns me is that instead of dealing with me herself, she put me on the schedule and fucked over my coworkers and left the charge nurse in a tight spot. GODDAMN BITCH. She is evil. My doc said not to worry, he'd talk to the medical director and have him explain things to my boss. I love my doc. BITCH BITCH BITCH. I hope she rots. I wish I had the money to move now so I could call and tell her to fuck herself and that I'm not coming back. *sigh*
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