Feb 17, 2006 19:47
this is what i do when i'm sitting t home alone on a friday night:
A - Available?: nope
A - Age: 20 (weird!)
A - Annoyance: arrogance
B - Best Friends?: i have a couple
B - Bar: buffilo wild wings
B - Birthday?: 2-6-86
C - Crush: MSR
C - Car: Raul (saturn)
C - Cat: none
D - Dead Pets Name: Honey, Cuddles, Gil, Dooey... i'm sure there's more
D - Dad's Name: Jeff
D - Dog: Penny
E - Easiest person to talk to: Michael, Stacey, my mom
E - Eggs: over easy
E - Email: lidst1jn@cmich.edu
F - Favorite Colors: purple
F - Food: i loooooove food
F - Foreign Slang: i have no idea
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: bears
G - God: = awesome
G - Good Time: being goofy and talking with michael till early in the morning
H - Hair Color: brown with a red tint to it
H - Height: 5'6
H - Happy: yes
I - Ice Cream: strawberries n' cream mmmmmmmmm
I - Instrument: piano
I - Idol: ______
J - Jewelery: necklace i got from michael for V-Day/B-Day
J - Job: Buffilo Wild Wings :o)
J - Joke: orange you glad i didn't sat banana
L - Longest Car Ride: every summer to Nova Scotia
L - Laughing: is sooo much fun and can be painful and sometimes leads to drooling haha
L- last person you spoke to on the phone: michael
M - Milk Flavor: 2%
M - Mother's Name: cynthia
M - Movie Last Watched: hmmm....Forest Gump
N - Number of Siblings: 2
N - Northern or Southern: Northern (i HAVE to have snow on Christmas day.... it's a must)
N - Nick Name: James, Jales, Jamerson, Jaim, J, Hi-Mae, Racehorse...
O - ONE WISH? world peace?
O - One Phobia? mini fear of heights
O - Ogle: i don't know this word so i'm gonna dictionary.com it... ok, it means "to stare at" and that reminds me of the line in Bring it On when she says "to ogle my goodies"
P - Parents: i love my mommy
P - Part of your appearance that you like best: my smile
P - Part of your Personality you like best: i don't know
Q - Quote: "the best kind of love is the kind that weakens the soul"
Q - Question for the next person: sup?
Q - Quick or Slow?: what kind of question is this?
R - Reason to smile: there are lots
R - Reality TV Show: american idol, guntlet 2, america's next top model
R - Right or Left: Right
S - Song Last Heard: "comfortable" - John Mayer
S - Season: spring
S - Sex/gender: female
T - Time you woke up: around 10
T - Time Now: 7:30
T - Time for bed: probably around 12
U - Unknown Fact about me: i don't know, i don't really hide a lot of stuff from people
U - Unicorns?: are cool??????
U - U ......?: smell
V - Vegetable you hate: peas
V - Vegetable you love: broccoli and cheese mmmmmm!
V - View on Politics: i'm canadian... i don't get a say, and that doesn't bother me
W- Worst Habits: biting my nails
W- What do you wanna be when you grow up: middle school councler
W- Where are you traveling to next? jacksonville, fl for SB!!!
X - X-Rays: knee
X - X-Rated Porn: never seen
X - XZIBIT: is my husband and i'm addicted to his show
Y - Year you were born: 86
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: banana
Z - Zoo Animal: khola
Z - Zodiac: aquaries but i don't believe in that crap
Z - ZZZZZ: is what i wanted to be doing when i was trying to take a nap today, but for some reason that was impossible!