As of today, we collected ¥335,525.56. I'm so happy~!! 146,534.08 to Philippine peso (according to the converter) I hope this will help those affected. I know this is not enough but please accept it even if it's small~! We donated already~! Thank you~!
To all those who supported, donated and helped me out on this project, from the bottom of heart, THANK YOU VERY MUCH~! Please continue praying and helping the Filipinos and the Philippines.
Filipinos, don't lose hope. You are a strong nation, We know and we believe that you can survive this tragedy. As my friend told me, You are Filipinos and it's just a typhoon. You are stronger than what you think. Please continue praying and believing. Keep smiling~! There is always hope~! Smile for me.
All the sold items will be shipped out tomorrow, thank you~!!
#prayforthephilippines #prayforthefilipinos