Oct 18, 2006 00:28

you know your living the college life when your up at 12:30 drinking coffee...knowing that sleep is still hours and hours away, although that doesnt change the time you must get up in the morning.

things to do:
tomorrow: go to LA, kick-boxing/pilates, have read in my liberal studies book
thursay: have read for english, have my paper written, child development midterm, drive to NP, pack and get everything ready for SD
friday: e-mail speech teacher my topic and speech outline, drive to SD, volleyball game, party, etc with tiff and scott YAY!
sat: dunno, football game :-)
sunday: drive back to NP, go to church ceremony for mitchell, drive to Northridge
monday: give my speech (which i am going to find time to write over the weekend...yea right)
tues: 2 art projects due, HUGE art midterm

yea...lots of driving coming up. LA to CSUN, CSUN to NP, NP to SD, SD to NP, NP to CSUN. cant wait. lol

god college is such a love/hate relationship.
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