Aug 30, 2005 16:15
soooooooooooooooo today started at 5AM yes there is a 5AM in the summer....lacrosse team was selling donuts for a fund is how it when (ps we are at commuter parking lots getting the people in the slug lines.) Good Morning...we are selling donuts for the Girls Lacrosse Team at WSHS only $5 a box and are krispy cream..which are the best ever. the slug liners *look away*, *shake head*, *say NO to carbs!*, *why are these kids up so early*, *donuts yummm*, *if i give them money they might leave me alone*..... just to name a few. we had this one guy say..."i want to be as skinny as a cheerleader" *throws hand up in air* "GO TEAM GO" no lie!!!!! then we left and yeah i took daniel to wal-mart so he could pick up 211 (no lie) photos! which most look like postcards (talking about postcards...coughbraddlesalexcough...) then we watched the greatest veggie movie ever......JONAH AND THE awesomenova one! Daniel even enjoyed it (<33333)
When i was watching the movie some words/inside jokes came to mind and i though i should share them. . . 9/5...JESUS...WHALE TURD!......How does a snake pee?.....i peed on a snake....firefly.....CHEESE.....and many more....333...
Daniel is the coolest most awesomenovaest kid on the block (or in the world). you rock buddy! and i <3 you! here is a joke just for you .....why did the chicken crosse the road???........because he was pink! thanx for making me laugh in the car with your funny jokes! ps he did come up with that one! rad rad rad.
<3 Maka
heck no,
nobody listens to techno! lets go!