Oct 26, 2009 18:44

Just a post to inform you all that I won't be on for the next 2-ish weeks. VCE exams start this Friday, and my mum is going to kill me if I don't get an ENTER of atleast 89 (which means beating 89% of the state :\) so yes. Write me stuff on this entry, so I can be entertained when I resurface from my books. :D I LOVE YOU ALL ♥

And this is all the shizz I will be posting when I come back/stuff I owe everyone (sorry guys, RL. It kills)/WIPs lounging in folders:

- Sam/Dean
“Hey, we should go to Persia.”
“Because it sounds sexy.”
- Merlin/Arthur prompt:
“So, I'm naked, you're naked, we're in a steam you see where I'm going with this?”

- Merlin/Arthur mpreg, where Arthur's knocked up.

- Chuck Bartowski/Chuck Shirley where the prophet meets the secret agent (or whatever) and they bond over geekiness and having the same name? Can be gen or slash whichever. If possible include Chuck(the prophet) saying 'I am the prophet, Chuck!'.

- a visiting noble in Camelot makes advances on Merlin, Merlin refuses him but they're seen by someone (a knight maybe?). The noble is merely a consort, which means his wife could strip him of money if she wishes to so, to avoid that, he accuses Merlin of having seduced him by magical means. Arthur tries to defend Merlin while learning on the way, he is really a sorcerer.

- What if Merlin was playing at dice with Arthur and betting stuff--favors, fewer chores, not having to wear The Hat, clothes, whatev--and kept winning, and so Arthur was convinced that SOMEHOW Merlin was cheating?

- Arthur's knights running interference with other people (king, advisors, visiting noblewomen...) so Arthur can spend time (we know doing what) with Merlin. So, basically, the knights knowing about Arthur♥Merlin and protecting them.
- House MD: House/Wilson first time with hallucination!Amber giving House pointers. Crack!fic prefered.

- Merlin and Arthur AU, Merlin is already a manservant to King Cendred's son (who actually is and remains a spoilt little twonce but doesn't have Arthur's ability yo mature). Either Uther and Arthur are invited and Merlin is offered as a gift for some reason or there is a war between the two kingdoms (as it sounded like a rather delicate truce from the series anyway) and Merlin (with the other servants) to remain or return to Camelot. He picks Camelot.
- Modern AU Arthur is sent to 'straight' camp by his father. And promptly falls for Merlin, a protester who frequents outside the camp. Good chance for some angsting from Arthur here over what's more important, Father's respect or the chance to be in love?

- Merlin, Arthur and the recurring monkeys 8D
- Some more Merlin!Potter? With broomstick flying, and cuddling. And cuddling while flying on a broomstick!
- Arthur has been at battle or just away for a while without Merlin and when he returns Merlin just sort of launches himself at him and they hug it out.

- A Merlin Sports!AU : Where Arthur is the forward in the football team of his school, but they keep on loosing because all the other players aren't really good. Then newbie!Merlin is forced to try being a goalie for whatever reason and because of his magic power, he's able to stop all of Arthur's shoots. (Arthur doing the Zidane head-attack whatsoever. Arthur practicing a bicycle kick and failing. Merlin comitting several faults. Merlin not knowing about the equipments.)

-”Honestly, what is so hard about moving the elephant from the dining room to the kitchen?! He's a nice elephant, and deserves to be where he wants to be. Now move!”
“We are so awesomer than that elephant.”
“You. Wish.”
“What up with the elephant?”
So I was thinking Harry Potter, and this could be an afternoon at the Weasley house.

- “How do you like them fucking apples, bitch?”
- “Actually, those do make you look fat.” (possibly followed by a smackdown/bitchslap/homicide.)

- girl!Arthur/girl!Merlin would be hilarious. XD And preferably from birth, so girl!Merlin is Hunith’s daughter and girl!Arthur is the princess, though magical accident would be fine too if you liked that better. :) (And tangent-plotbunny, if Arthur and Merlin are girls, it’s up to you if you want to make Morgana and Gwen boys. XD)

- I wanna more of Merlin!Harry Potter crossover! Possibly involving sword classes only for the purpose of giving late King present Arthur a chance to destroy things on smaller scale then with magic. (It may happen before they deem it prudent to get back to smexing each other again.)
- Alternative Timeline where Uther didn't firbid magic! Featuring Nimueh who finds Merlin and takes him as her pupil and after some years of wondering the world together Merlin comes to the court to become the court magican. (Bonus points for a fight of characters between Nim and Mer but mixed with a certain understanding, and for Merlin helping Morgana in controling her visions.)

- Sirius, as a wee little Black. Bonus points if he's uber-protective of clingy!worshipful!Regulus. Cake AND bonus points for the three Black sisters (Narcissa, Bella, & Andromeda).

- House/Ugly Betty crossover

- Alexis Meade/Wilhelmina Slater

- Marc/Justin, NC17
- Dean is jealous of Ruby, Sam is jealous of Castiel, but there's no real reason for that to be.
- Cameron has second thoughts before she marries Chase and acts on them. House/Cameron
- Dib gets pregnant and Zim has some explaining to do.

lurker-lost who wants a shitload of things, so I have to bitchslap when I go over to her house/she comes over

- “Remind me why I love you?” Marc/Cliff

- Nicole/Antonio. (from the fandom Missing)
- Wilhelmina/Daniel

WIPs rolling around all my folders (no, seriously. I found half a story written out in the middle of an International Relations essay):

- Metis/Josh
It’s not that Metis expects Josh to proclaim his undying love in front of the school or anything. It’s just… it would be nice to get some recognition, you know?

- Nick/Tyson for Xari ♥

- 3 Merlin/Arthur stories for tobreakthespell

- Merlin/Arthur
The sound of shuffling shoes makes Arthur look up from the mess that is his filing cabinet, and he feels his breath catch in his throat. And, ok. His kids’ parents are sometimes quite an attractive bunch, but they’re his kids’ parents. Inappropriate thoughts are entirely unprofessional. But there’s something about the man standing in front of Arthur that is instantly appealing and it’s not just the fact that he looks really, really familiar.

- Merlin/Arthur
At Merlin’s coming of age, all the myth creatures come to pledge their alliance to him. In the middle of court. Arthur finds out fic.

- Merlin/Arthur
“If Igraine's little monster wins the crown for Little Mister Perfect again, I will kill her.” Merlin winced as his mother's scissors snipped too close to his ear.

- Merlin/Arthur (reincarnation) [REINCARNATION IS A PERSONAL KINK, OK?]
Juliet sat in front of her mirror combing her brown hair over her horrendously large ears. Paris would be the ideal man to marry, and her mother would be ecstatic if he chose her as his bride; he, the very “flower” of Verona, with his devastatingly good looks and wealth. And yet she was naught but 14, and yes, she knew that Ophelia from across the street was now happily the mother of four and she was not but a year older.

- Chuck/Sarah (Merlin/Arthur reincarnation) yes, again. stfu
“Figures that no matter what happens, you'll always be blonde, leggy and killing things.” He totally didn't deserve that punch.

- Merlin/Arthur (TBBT!AU)
Merlin Emrys knows that he is a nerd. He has embraced his nature and accepted his rightful place in the cosmos, and doesn’t understand why his mother feels the need to reassure him that nerds rule the world, when he already knows that they do.

- Sam/Dean, preslash (reincarnated Merlin/Arthur)
And Sam clutched his head as images pounded through it, and he could distantly hear Dean panicking beside him, except he wasn't thinking Dean, but of armour and blond hair.

- Harry Potter, gen
“How ‘bout we make a deal, Professor? If I best you at a duel, using no magic, then you’ll talk to Dumbledore about letting me out of this house, and if I lose, you get to teach me what you know, and I won’t complain anymore. “

- Kurt/Finn
Ok, so everyone knows that a teenage boy can’t be blamed for being turned on all the freaking time, right? It’s goddamn puberty, and there’s nothing he can do to stop it. He’s going to be turned on every time a hot girl walks past, every time he spots a bit of cleavage (no matter how ugly the chick), and every time a damn fine ass is shimmying in front of him. Still, Finn thinks. There’s no good explanation as to why Kurt’s pelvic thrusts are speaking straight (ha!) to his dick.



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