Sep 22, 2009 23:23

Title: Ensnaring An Older Gentleman
Rating: Veeeeery mild M for a mention of boobies! :D (Yes, I am very mature)
Length: 1043 words
Spoilers: None
Authors' Note: Ummm, I am not extremely happy with this, because apparently I cannot write het. But I hope you guys enjoy it, anyways. So, 8dreamcatcher8 , I hope I didn't disappoint you too much.
Prompt: Always-a-girl!Sammy and Dean are caught while making out on high school premises (classroom, janitor's closet, behind benches...). Which means Wincest, with underage!Sammy and out-of-school!Dean, but no one knowing they're related.
Brownie points if Sammy is a geek and her reputation improves when her involvement with Dean is revealed.

He leans his head on her shoulder for a moment, the sweat on his forehead soaking into her shirt as they both try to catch a breath. The air in the supply closet is hot, heavy. After a moment Dean mouths along her neck, stopping to nuzzle at her jaw, and goddamn if she wasn’t nearly as tall he was. Sam makes an impatient noise, and fingers weave through his hair and desperately jerk his head up, towards her mouth. He pushes her back further into the wall, not caring if the shelves are digging into her back, or how much that broom is poking at his elbow.

He sucks gently at Sam’s lips as she parts them for him, one hand sliding up her smooth thigh, the other cupping her cheek. He tilts her head up for better access and slips his tongue into her warm mouth. He’s pretty sure he can taste the M&Ms he bought her for lunch. He thinks for a moment what would happen if a monitor catches them; if a teacher calls up Dad about his daughter who was caught making out with an unauthorized personnel on school grounds. They were fucked if he had to come down to get her, but it was worth it just to feel Sam’s fingers on his skin. Sam makes a whine of protest at Dean’s pause and grinds down on his thigh, sucks at his tongue. The sound changes to a moan that hits Dean’s groin directly, and he doesn’t know when his shirt came off but he sure as hell loves the feel of Sammy’s nails scratching down his back.

He moves his mouth away to kiss along her jaw, and loves every minute of Sam shuddering as he sucks on the spot beneath her ear. Her shirt is bunched up around her arms, loving the soft, satin feel of the skin on her back as his hands strokes up and down. He feels her breasts press against his bare chest as she arches up against him, and muffles his own groan of pleasure, mindless pleasure, in the hollow between her collarbones. They both tremble in unison, and all Dean can taste is Sam’s sweat, soap and that taste all girls have, except that it seems distinctly Sam.

He runs one hand up underneath her skirt as her hand skims down to the front of his pants, and just when he’s about to lose his mind and bend her over the bucket full of stale water, impending bitchface be damned, the door flies open.

“Babe, no one’s in - woah! Sorry, dude!”

Sam screams and shoves her shirt down, elbow catching the side of Dean’s head as he bends down to find his shirt. His eyes water for a moment, and when they clear he can see past Sam’s flushed face to a jock and his seriously hot cheerleader girl standing outside the closet. The cheerleader (damn, that top was working for her. Thank you, God for the pervert who designed the cheerleader costumes) was staring at Sammy with her mouth wide open.

“Winchester? Samantha Winchester?!”

Sam flushes even more, and the bitchface makes an appearance as Sam stomps past. Dean glares at the jock who’s watching Sam walk away with appreciation, until the bastard has the decency to look away from what he clearly will never touch. Dean then leers at the cheerleader, who still looks gobsmacked - an expression that changes once she realises Dean’s shirtless look is truly his best look. Dean winks at her as he saunters past, grinning at the “How the fuck did Winchester manage to snag that?” and the sound of the resulting slap once the jock mumbles something about Sam’s ass.


Dean smirks lazily at the group of whispering girls in the tiniest skirts invented by mankind, as he leans against the Impala. They immediately burst into giggles, coyly waving at him. Sam elbows her way through the crowd just as Dean decides to go looking for her. She dives headlong into the car, and firmly locks the door on her side. “Dean,” she hisses from the passenger seat, “get in the car right now, and drive.” Dean raises an eyebrow and is about to ask her what crawled up her ass and died, when Leggy-and-Luscious from yesterday walks towards them and Sam swears like the time that poltergeist broke her leg.

“Samantha sweetie,” Blonde-and-Busty purrs as she leans in through the window, “don’t forget! Meeting at my house at 5, sharp!” Sam grumbles something that sounds like an assent, and Appealing-and-Assalicious practically rapes Dean with her eyes and floats away towards the suddenly quiet group of girls.

Dean’s confusion only lasts until they’re pulling away, and Hot-and-Happening’s voice drifts in through the open window.

“Remember to bring a piece of paper to take notes! Winchester is obviously going to give us tips, and no one’s going to know as well as her about ensnaring a hot, older boyfriend! Now my house at…”

The only thing that stops Dean from dying of laughter is the look on Sammy’s face. It promises instant death.


Dean wishes he could capture the look on Dad’s face as they pull away for the final time from Sam’s school, with what looks like the entire senior class waving Sam goodbye. Dad looks like he’d rather face a Wendigo than Fatal-and-Foxy sobbing on the Impalas backseat window as she tearfully waved Sammy goodbye.

Dean starts howling the minute the cheer squad starts a routine, mostly messing up because they can’t see through their running mascara. Dad guns the engine and roars out into the main street, expression as scared as it had been when that werewolf had chased them for an entire state. And Sam might scowl at him now, but whatever. Dean had totally seen her red-rimmed eyes and the million hugs shared (boobs squashed against boobs!). All that said, leaving high school with a 4.0 GPA and with an easy win of “Most Popular” and valedictorian wasn’t the worst way to finish school.

And now that school was over for good, it was just gonna be the Impala, Dean and Sammy and nothing but the open road and hunting for the rest of their lives.

sam/dean, fic

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