dear lord...

Aug 04, 2005 21:20 before i went to band camp...i wrote and told u that i was crazy about matt...NO..i was just being retarted, i was happy from damn shock...i went to band camp and i got to kno alot of different people. high schoolers. especially this one guy named william, bill for short. i started to have a crush on him and his best friends james told bill. the night he found out i think he was avoiding me so i went back to my room and we all talked about everything and they were trying to cheer me up. the next day i asked him to talk and i told him that i liked him and everything and he was like that cool, and i was like i think it would be cool if we got to kno each other better and he was like yea, what i didnt kno is he was gonna ask me out, (everyone said) and i blew it by sayiong that. thyusday night was movie night and he asked me to come lay by him in the movie so i went then he asked if i wanted his pillow and i totally am retarted and said im fine! I SO SHOULD HAVE TAKEN IT! i piss my self ofF! damn it and so we have talked on the phone alot and weve gotten to kno each other. which is good! i hope he calls me tonight , if he doesnt ill call him hehe! i now kno why they say " WHAT HAPPENS AND BAND CAMP STAYS AT BAND CAMP! THE MOONING WAS HILLARIOUS EM!! LMAO! gonna go to las vegas in a day gotta go pack:*(
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