Jul 31, 2006 21:08
Ok so placement is in a month and I read Michelle's journal fuckin whinning about no placement.. i dont have one etheir and Gillian is on my ass.....
This summer is ok, Tyler and I are closer, I have another job, I bartend at a club and made KILLER tips this weekend even though im broke ass..
Caribana is this weekend, I am not that excited like I was in the past years, I feel like working Caribana weekend because I know I would be rich. LOL
Tyler dresses better since I bought him some kick ass clothes:) I haven't seen him in about 2 weekes but thats ok. He is more into me now then ever and thats more important. I am pretty happy of how far we have come since last year.
My parents well... I dont know what to say. They hate me right now and I am not even exaggerating. They hate that I work at the club and they think I have to flaunt myself to get tips.... for heaven sakes we have to wear a white top and black pants and YEAH i wear a bra and I wouldnt want to talk to those nasty fuckers anyway. Even if I was an ugly motherfucker.
In total I have lost 50 lbs.. I dont feel no different. People are like oh wow you look so good. Whatever. I like compliments but they are starting to piss me off. So what if I lost weight. It doesnt make me a better person, and it doesnt make me any more hotter etheir. Well Well enough bitchin'
I just wanna hurry up with this coop placement bullshit so I can get hired and start my career.
Well till next time...im out