So, y'know, Easter, meh. I volunteered at the children's hospital for four boring hours in the Family Resource Center, ostensibly a source for parents to get information about their kids' conditions but I function more often as a DVD/VHS-checkin-specialist... this is something I do every weekend, though not usually for four straight hours. Anyways, background aside, someone had made little plastic eggs stuffed with stickers for the kids, and (being bored) I hid them around the FRC for a mini easter egg hunt. A few patients came by, but there was this cherubic four-year-old blonde kidlet hooked up to an IV pole who was so incredibly fascinated with the concept, even though he had his dominant hand immobilized (for the IV) (so it was a little clumsy). I'm really, really not a kid person, but... it gave me the warmfuzzies to see him so thrilled each time he found an egg. And then I went home and watched
this and felt back to normal.