- Age: 24.
- Bed size: Single.
- Chinese Food Dish: I love sichuan-style dishes. Anything with seafood and sweet & sour.
- Dentist name: I don't even know my dentist's name. O_O I only registered recently, and my last 2 appointments, I got cancelled on because dentist has been ill.
- Early Bird or Night Owl? I'm definitely a Night Owl.
- Favorite color: Green.
- Gold or Silver: I guess I prefer Silver on jewellery.
- Height: 5'4", I believe.
- Ink as in tattoo’s you have: I don't have any tattoos.
- Job title: Still searching. . .
- Kitchen Meal or Restaurant? I prefer going to the restaurant.
- Living arrangements: I live with house-mates.
- Month of birth: April.
- Nicknames: Loki.
- On time or late: I try to be on time, but I've known to be fashionably late.
- Pet Peeve: Ugh, I have so many. . . and most of them involve people. Here's a few: People that have terrible table manners and make loud noises when they eat and eat with their mouth open; people that walk so slowly in front of me, purposely bash into me or just get in my way; people that can't fucking spell or type properly; people that are rude or aggressive for no reason; fakes; bigots; people that constantly complain when there's no need to complaint or people that get very impatient when there's a queue and resort to making obnoxious noises; etc.. [Makes a face] Oh, auto-text is a pet peeve of mine, too.
- Quote from a movie: "Trust my rage." - Loki
- Right or left handed: Left. I'm ambidextrous, but I use my left hand more.
- Siblings: A biological brother, an adoptive brother, and a best friend who's like a brother.
- Time you wake up: It really depends on my mood and if I need to do stuff.
- Urgent thing on your to do list: Get all my Christmas cards sent off, buy Christmas presents, and, oh yes, find a damn job!
- Vegetable you dislike: I like most vegetables!
- Wishing for: Money! << yes. THIS. & my 2016 travels to happen!
- X-rays you’ve had: I've lost count.
- Yummy food you make: I don't really cook. I'll start cooking when I get my own place and don't have to bloody share a kitchen. I do make a pretty nice fried taco egg.
- Zoo Favorite: I love visiting the big cats, the lemurs, reptiles, and the butterflies!