Did you hear about that crazy bitch who lured this one 8 month pregnant lady somewhere, then strangled her, and cut out the fetus? The baby survived, after she did that, she called her husband up and said, "guess what, i have a baby." HOW FUCKED UP IS THAT! WHAT KIND OF FUCKING WORLD IS THIS! I can't even comprehend what would drive someone to do that. The people on the news are just talking about it like its nothing. One guy says,"oh, its happening a lot of places cause people want to fix their relationships but can't have kids blah blah blah."
NO FUCKING EXCUSE! People like this need to die. It's not right that something like that should happen. I dont give a fuck if you're goddamn insane. When you ruin someone else's natural right to live, you lose yours.
But when you look at it more with emotion, I can't even explain to you the things i feel right now. What the hell is wrong? I am at a complete loss for words...
The story here: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,142043,00.html