Title: Untitled Author: crazybananatr3e Pairing: Youngjae/Zelo, Zelo-centric Rating: pg Genre: fluff? Summary: Zelo really likes his new hair. A/N: Because I really like Zelo's new hair.
[Zelo really likes his new hair] It starts with expert, measured tugs at the top of his head, splitting the locks down the side of his crown and exposing his fair scalp. Junhong watches with the same concentration he had since the first time; he couldn’t explain why, he just finds it all a little hypnotizing.
The pins go in one by one, seemingly at random but definitely more organized than one might suspect. He watches as she picks them out with ease, the big, golden ones on top, smaller silver ones down the middle and the brown ones at the bottom all the way to the end.
Bit by bit, he feels his head overcome by the tightness, as his hair is being pulled back and then secured by a pin. It’s maybe a little uncomfortable, but Junhong is never beyond that for the sake of fashion. She finally finishes with a spritz of hairspray and he was done, the entire process taking only a little under half an hour.
She leaves him to tend to one of the other members and Junhong can’t help but admire her work through the mirror, turning every which way to get a better look. He purses his lips at his reflection, liking the way she leaves the pins crisscrossed against each other and the way the wavy pins make patterns in his hair.
Yongguk hyung stops by to stare too, biting his lips in amusement because Junhong is probably the only member who can pull of this look. He also muses in the back of his mind if he would have been forgiven for his dreads if he looked half as cute as Junhong. (Probably not)
“It looks good,” he says, still wearing the bemused smile and Junhong smiles back.
“Thanks, hyung.”
“Yaah, that looks like a lot of work. Does it hurt, Junhongie?” Himchan asks as he walks by (after his make-up is done, of course).
“Not really, hyung. Not that much.”
“Aah, our ever patient maknae. You’ve worked hard~” Himchan coos and reaches to ruffle Junhong’s hair before letting out a soft ‘ah!’ and frowning at the younger through the mirror, looking quite in disbelief that he could be that stupid.
He lets his hand drop to Junhong’s shoulder instead and pinches the skin there playfully when the maknae answers him a mischievous grin and a barely concealed, ‘thanks, hyung.’
The pins hold out, surprisingly (and to Junhong’s delight), all throughout practice and the actual pre-recordings.
But as it turns out, the practices and dancing is not what Junhong should have been worried about because Daehyun can be a pain in the ass when he wants, which is almost always (or when he doesn’t get to eat as much as he wants).
Junhong doesn’t expect the bucket of cold water that greets him at the entrance of the practice room toilets, to say the least, but what he really didn’t expect is the way the pins look barely perturbed in his wet hair.
Now, he’s just a little in awe at what these little things can do and lingers to take one last look at them before leaving to get changed into dry clothes (and doing his best to ignore Daehyun’s obnoxious laughter in the background).
It’s (way past) dinnertime and everyone’s just kinda quiet and tired out from the busy day, chewing noiselessly on their chicken and sipping at their cola, counting down the hours before they can get back to the dorms for another 4 hours of sleep.
The food helps though, and the members gain a little bit of their energy back, which is evident in the way Yongguk leaps up (dragging Himchan with him) and calls for another round of practice.
Also evident in the way Youngjae gets up (dragging Daehyun with him) and obeys their leader.
Also (kind of) evident in the way Jongup takes his place next to Junhong and pats at the points of the pins sticking up from Junhong’s hair. He grins, “they’re nice.”
“Yep, they are” Junhong replies with a grin of his own before letting the music take control of his body and mind.
It’s come back to a full circle and Junhong finds himself staring into the mirror the same way he did in the morning. He sighs, a little relieved and a little sad as he counts down the pins once again, just for fun.
A figure appears behind him and he looks up.
“Time to let them go, eh?”
Junhong smiles, “everything good has to come to an end, right?”
The mirror reflects two smiling faces as the pins come down one by one - Methodical, gentle and a tiny bit sensual. Junhong watches as his hair regains a little shape and his scalp is no longer visible. He feels the tension ebbing away with each pull and he hums low in his throat at the sensation of the fingers in his hair.
“Thanks, hyung,” he say when it’s all done but the other boy merely smirks at him.
“I didn’t do this for free, Junhong-ah.”
Junhong feels his head being tipped up by two fingers below his chin and finds himself face to face with his hyung.
There is a warm breath whispering across his cheek for maybe a millisecond before Junhong feels a pair of soft lips pressed to the skin there. They linger for another millisecond (or forever in Junhong’s head) before he hears the words.
“Saranghanda, Junhong-ah.”
The smile that overtakes Junhong’s lips is incredibly silly but Junhong doesn’t care. He watches his hyung retreat to the bathroom he strokes at his cheek, wearing that same silly smile. He sighs.
Junhong really loves his new hair.
Title: Mediator Author: crazybananatr3e Pairing: none Rating: pg Genre: fluff, friendship Summary: Jongup hates it when he has to break up a vocal-line argument A/N: wrote this awhile ago, forgive the lame attempt at humor
Daehyun presses his face closer and lays both palms against the cool glass as if he could magically be dissolved into the little cage by doing so. He coos at the little fluffy maltese on the other side and displays a wide variety of faces that makes Youngjae scrunch his nose in way that makes Jongup scared.
“Yah, could you please stop embarrassing yourself?”
Really scared. There’s no one in the known universe who could stop things from getting critical when the vocal line starts fighting… except the hyung line, who have both conveniently disappeared and deserted Jongup.
“What? What’s so embarrassing about playing around with dogs? Just look at them, cuuutie pies!”
“It is embarrassing! You’re an idol Daehyun-ah, do I really need to tell you how to act in public?”
Daehyun snorts out loud, much to Youngjae’s and Jongup’s chagrin. “Oh, look who’s talking, Mr. can’t-calm-my-tits, jumping around and shouting like a 5 year old kid every time he wins a stupid game.”
Because really, when Daehyun starts acting a little less than his age called for, Youngjae liked to think of himself as being a little more refined- Reciting age-old fortune cookie wisdom, playing moral cop and generally being a princess (or a prick in the ass, if you will). Youngjae rolls his eyes at that, “that’s just fan-service. Don’t you know anything?”
And when Daehyun can’t out-talk Youngjae, he usually resorts to violence, which is where either Yongguk steps in and glares the shit out of the two boys or where Himchan comes and simultaneously out-nags both of them that they automatically make up.
“Aish, Yoo Youngjae, you really-”
But neither of them are here and Jongup lacks the scary factor of one hyung and the naggy factor of the other. So he does what he can and wedges himself between both boys, holding both of Daehyun’s wrists in his hands, promptly stopping him from reaching Youngjae’s collar.
“H-hyung.” Jongup thinks fast, desperate for a way to placate either one and avoid World War III from happening in a pet store in downtown LA.
“I-I’ll be your puppy! You can feed me, bathe me, dress me up and everything. It’ll be like having a real pet!”
All three boys blink and Daehyun is the first to come to his senses. Swallowing nervously, he lowers his hands and tries very hard to not think about all the weird thoughts that Jongup’s offer has put into his head.
“A-ah, right. Hyung’s sorry, Jongup-ah. D-don’t worry, Youngjae and I weren’t fighting… we… we were just joking around. Right, Youngjae?”
Daehyun reaches around the youngest and grabs Youngjae by his shirt, pulling him close and slinging an arm around his shoulder. Youngjae catches on quick and pets Jongup on the head with his free hand, not quite unlike how he would with an actual puppy and nods vigorously.
“Y-yeah, that’s right. Just joking. Ahaha, it’s hot! Let’s go for ice cream, let’s go!”
Jongup watches his two hyungs skip out of the store with arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders and heaves a sigh of relief- Maybe he wouldn’t make such a bad mediator after all.