Feb 18, 2006 13:22
Things I am looking forward to:
5) All the blonde growing out of my hair. It was cute for a minute but it feels yucky and I'm over it. Too bad I have to wait another 6 months for it to all be out, unless I cut my hair even shorter which I definatly can't do or even more butch ass chicks would hit on me ( oh yeah did I mention that I can't eat at Moe's anymore because some very butch chick that works there is coming on strong and freaking me OUT)
4)Lesley College in Cambridge. So basically I have to stop procrastinating and just finish the essay. and then I have to wait for a while to hear back from them. Then I have to see if Lauren got in too. And I know it seems too perfect to go smoothly BUT Im hoping that one thing in my life will just work because I want to be roomates with her again soo bad. And we could live in Boston and go to school and get a dog named Snoop and then go back and teach at New Hampton. yeah we have a plan!
3)I just finished interviewing to be a counsclor at the camp I went to maine for 6 years, and I will hear back next year if I make it. Woohoooo! and some of the greatest people on the planet who I haven't seen in forever are going to work there too. Exciting. plus it would get my the fuck out of norfolk.
2)My birthday! I turn 19 March 4th! too bad Simone and Caroline will be in Florida and everyone else I like is scattered accross this stupid country.
1) New Hampshire to see my heterolifemate do a little dance. I also get to see all the people that make me feel complete and all of my mommies (Mrs.Berry, Mrs.Redman, Joanie Polinsky...) I also while I am there get to beat the shit out of warren and some little fugly slut. That should be interesting. Anywho If you are in New Hampshire and you are the shit you better holler at me and give me big new hampshire hugs