200. My name is: Michael Drew norman Carter
199. I was born on: April 25, 1987
198. I am a(n): Taurus
197. I want: A girl who will laugh for no one else (Oh Weezer...)
196. My eye colour is: Green/Blue/Gray depending on the season.
195. My favourite food is: Sammiches.
194. My favourite show is: Dead Like Me
193. My favourite color is: Green
192. My height is: 6'3
191. I am allergic to: Whats the opposite of blood, I wonder?
190. I live in: A state of constant denial
189. The last three books I read: The Man From Mars, Stranger In A Strange Land, Between Planets
188. My bed is: Empty *emo tear*
187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex: They are not to be trusted.
186. I am glad I'm my sex because: I would hate penis envy otherwise.
185. My worst enemies are: Pirates (Oh come on, you saw this coming)
184. My best friends are: Pirates and ninjas, respectively.
183. Current hair: Tussled.
182. Current thought: Jelly beans... soap... why would these combine? Not to form Voltron, I assure you.
181. Three things I can never resist are: Girls that pay attention to me, subway, Jedi mind tricks (Not yet anyways...).
180. Three things that i always have: Orange bracelet (havent removed it since Summer, except for Reid to borrow for a few hours.), my flick knife, two straws.
179. My favourite pajamas are: Pajama pants.
178. A perfect kiss is: On the neck, with teeth. (Whats that look for, by the way? XD)
177. The last three albums I bought are: What? Downloaded? The Pillows - ???, System of a Down - Hypnotize, The Libertines - Up The Bracket.
176. Last song that made me cry was: Fine, I admit it. "Only In Dreams" by Weezer.
175. Last greatest moment: Battle of wits with my psychologist today. Was awesome.
174. Last Dream: Was with Sarah. Dunno why.
173. Biggest accomplishment: Im not dead yet. Heres hoping for another good year -_-;
172. My most treasured possession is: Flick knife.
171. Favourite snack: Doughnuts. Reid and Cory know how I roll.
170. What did you do last night: Read comic books until 6am. Why do people even talk to me?
169. My reaction to finding something out: If it's bad in any way? Depressed. If it's good? Surprised.
168. any other windows up?: 2msn windows, adobe reader, windows media player.
167. My skin's reaction to the sun is: *erupts into flames* OW.
166. Favorite number: 2
165. internet service: Shaw
164. Do I have mail?: Tch. Nah.
163. Secret you haven't told anyone: Is still mine to keep.
162. First thing you do when you get online: Check to see if downloads have finished... -_-;
161. Favourite thing to do: Pfft. Read, I guess.
160. letters in full name: 23
159. What's right in front of you?: 6 coke cans, Kankuro givin' it to Sasuke. (Figurines...)
157. My: Brain hurts.
156. Holiday i always look foward to: Halloween.
155. Current longing: Love T_T *emo tear*
154. I wish: You lie! I do not.
153. If i could be anything I would be: Motivated, happy and outgoing.
152. I want to die: WHO TOLD YOU?! Bahaha. Just kidding. I want to die extravagantly. With explosions.
151. Piece of clothing you always wear: Orange jelly ring around my wrist. It's a reminder.
150. Biggest mistake: Figuring out that I can slack off in life with no punishment.
149. Current Taste: I still taste like flesh. Ive gotta work on that. YOU THERE! GET ME MY MARINADE!
148. Does water have a taste?: Yes.
147. If air is there but you can't see it how do you know it's there?: Thats stupid. Of course you can see it.
146. Why do you park on a driveway and drive on a parkway?: Just like it says. Duh.
-I Do (yes)(no)(kindof)Believe in
145. superstitions? Some. Shut up, I know it's not an option.
144. finding love at an early age? Yes.
143. santa: Oh, hes out there.... Waiting.
142. Love at first sight?: No. Lust at first sight, however.
141. Luck?: No.
140. Fate?: Ha ha, that would be so depressing. No.
139. God?: no
138. Aliens?: Border jumpers? They dont exist.
137. Heaven?: no
136. Hell?: no
135. Ghosts?: Y...yes...
134. Horoscopes?: No. But they're fun.
133. soulmates? No.
132. internet love? No.
131. everything happens for a reason? No.
130. working hard?: Hardly working.
-Which is Better?: -
129. Hugs or Kisses: Kisses (Hey, shut up.)
128. Drunk or High: Drunk
127. Phone or Online: Online because Im... well... me.
126. Girls/guys with/without Hats: Without
125. Blondes or Brunettes: Black hair.
124. Sleeping or eating: Sleeping
123. Being DD or drinking: Being... what? o_o;
122. Boys with/without Facial Hair: I prefer with. MANLY.
121. Boys with/without shaved legs: Without. You get away from me with that razor, mister... I'll start throwing punches...
120. Night or Day: Night.
119. Oranges or Apples: Apples
118. Curly or Straight hair: Straight
117. Boys or girls: In what context?
-Here's What I Think About. . . -
116. Abortion? Choice needs to be there.
115. Backstabbers? Only rogues may do it from behind. Ahem.
114. Drugs?: Should I be hypocritical or not? *skip*
113. underwear?: Keeps things in place.
112. sex?: Scary.
111. The huricanne: Chuck Norris's roundhouse kick? It's superb.
110. School?: Frustrating.
109. Liars: Should burn.
108. Cheaters: Should burn.
107. Boys: Are gross. Tee hee.
106. Girls: Are frustrating.
105. The gov't: Is an odd abbreviation.
-Last time I. . . -
104. Took a Shower: 1:30pm today.
103. Kissed someone: A month ago.
102. Hugged someone: Long time, I think. Oh, wait. DW after Christmas break.
101. Seen someone I haven't seen in a while: Nope, cant say that I have.
100. Threw a ball: Yesterday.
99. Grew: 4 Years, about.
98. Gave into something: This morning? I like sleeping in.
97. I got in trouble: This morning. I like sleeping in.
96. Read the paper: Today
95. Didn't do my homework: Just about always.
94. I looked up on the internet: Um. Now? o_o
93. Biggest surprise: Dunno.
92. Last thing you drank: Cranberry juice. *sip*
91. The smartest person i know: A tie between several people.
90. The diztiest person I know: I dont really know ditzy people.
89. The one person who makes me laugh the most: Cory, Riley, Reid.
88. Most common mistake I do is: Believe that things will get better.
87. One thing I'm pissed about right now is: You dont need to know.
86. One thing i'm very happy about: .... Oh, you were talking to me? Keep walkin', pal.
85. The last thing I saw on Tv was: Conan O'Brien
84. Last thing I read: Newspaper
83. The last movie I saw in the theater was: Underworld 2
82. The thing I don't understand is: Physics. Well, I have an ok understanding, but. Fine, I quit.
81. The dumbest thing you have ever said: Dont remember.
80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received is: No. (s'true)
79. The one thing I love: How is that a fair question? What if I love more than one thing? Ah, fine. friends.
78. This week I am: Waru. It's a convenient little mask to hide behind.
77. This winter vacation I am: cold.
76. This summer vacation I am: Road tripping.
75. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: Fuzzy yellow Murphy.
74. Best cheap joke: Chicken crossed the road.
-The thing that I'm looking forward to the most about. . . -
73. Tomorrow: Sleep? Oh, weekend.
72. Today: I have jelly beans.
71. Next Summer: Road trips.
70. Next Week: Nothing, really.
69. tonight: Sleeping pills!
68. Within the next few minutes: Nothing really.
67. People call me: Waru. It is an odd phenomanon.
66. The person who I talk to the most on the phone is: My dad.
65. Favourite pop?: Root beer
64. The person I have been friends with the longest is: Ishan
63. The person who is my best girl-friend: Christa
62. The person who knows the most about me is: *shrug* No one? Everyone?
61. The person who can read me the best is: Pfft, dunno.
60. The most difficult thing to do is?: Try
59. I have/have not gotten a speeding ticket: Anything.
58. I have the following siblings: Rick, Dusty, Ryan, Kevin, Kaitlin
57. My favorite people are: Generally quiet people like me.
56. My zodiac sign is: Taurus
55. The first person you were in love with: A lie.
54. Best person to just sit around with: Murphy.
53. The one person who can't hide things from me: Only a few CAN hide things from me.
52. The person I find myself spilling my guts to is: Spilling my guts? Thats a bit graphic. But Reid and I have the occasional serious conversation.
51. Right now I am talking to: Kailey and Sarah.
50. Worst quality in you: Im so lazy.
49. Worst quality of the opposite sex: A tendency of lying and deceiving.
48. I have a job at: Assasin school. Heh. Shut up, ok? Im trying to get a job, really -_-;
47. I have these pets: Murphy.
46. I wish I was: Uncle Moneybags from monopoly.
45. The worst sound in the world: A loved one crying/ a dog screaming in pain.
44. The person that makes me cry the most is: Bob Sagat. I... cry from laughing. Get it? Tch.
43. The best shoulder to cry on is: Your own! It's more emo that way.
42. favourite thing about being young: Not much responsibility?
41. I almost died when: Shh, repressed memory. It should stay that way.
40. hottest model: The model-T. Fuck off, it's true.
39. My boy/girlfriend: none
38. Person you always IM: I dont think I initiate conversations.
37. Room you are always in: My den (Dont know what else to call it. "Den" makes me sound like a wolf)
36. If i had a super power it would be: Regeneration, of course.
35. If I was: A doctor, I would go against my ninja ways.
34. My favourite state?: Garden.
33. My favourite piece of clothing is: My fag toque. I love it.
32. My favourite sport to play is: Hockey.
31. I wish.....: We've been over this, I do not!
30. The last time I cried was: Summer, I guess? Come close a few times.
29. What am i wearing right now is: Jeans, sweatshirt, jacket. (It's... cold.)
28. The school I went/go to is: A little depressing.
27. The last person I got pissed off at was: Spencer
26. My worst drinking experience was: A toss up, really. Nah, I'd have to say last time.
25. Best Drinking experience was: With Ishy and the boys. He kicked me in the stomache. Riley also slapped me lots. Pantsless racing... Good times.
24. The last movie I watched was: That zombie movie...
23. The last person you talked to: Person? Cory and Reid.
22. The all-time best movie is: Arguable. Nyaha.
21. The all-time best thing in the world is: Ninjas.
20. One thing that you can't live with out: Food
19. The most annoying thing ever is: Liars.
18. Favourite song: "Lonely Day" by System Of A Down
17. I lose all respect for people who: Lie, cheat, steal, rape.
16. The movies I have cried at are: Few in number.
15. Best Date: April 25th, my birthday. Duh.
14. Who do you wish you could talk to right now? Jesus. He'd know what to do. He always does.
13. Colours that you always wear: Black and green.
12. Last thing you ate: Chili
11. The worst pain I was ever in was: Bent my knee backwards.
10. My favourite phrases: Hot pot of coffee! or OMG CRIME!!
9. My room is full of: Empty dishes
8. My favourite celebrity is: DEAD TO ME.
7. My favorite cliche is?: The angsty loner? Is that even a cliche? Feh.
6. My downfall is?: Being a lazy jerk.
5. My weakness is? Poisoned rice. Oh crap! Now they know!
4. Whats your biggest strength?: I know how to cook, kiss, and kill efficiently.
3. I want this to end because? Because it's hard to be witty.
2. I filled out 200 questions because?: Sarah asked me to and Im a nice boy who hates dissapointing girls.
1. Was it fun?: I guess it was, yeah.