Aug 22, 2006 19:27
Oh man, so it's been what..... a lil over a month that i havent written anything? Well, this is what went down.... Me and Beto talked about "us" already. We desided to stay as friends so yeah. Work has been ok. I started school already, it's ok. I'm gonna try my best to do well this semester. My b-day was this past saturday OMFG!!!! IT WAS SHIT!!!!! I got this condo for Fri. night and a bunch of ppl went.... Me, Vero, Juan, Jon, Rey, Manny, Rigo, Ted, Eddie, Sammy, Sammy's 4 friends, Candido, Ricky, Danny, Javier, Josue, Lucy, April, Chano, i think that was it..... dont remember. lol We got 5 18's, 3 20's, 2 bottles of Tequila, and 3 six packs of smirnoffs. ok, if u ask me..... that's shit loads of liquor. WE did the beer bong and had fun w/ it. lol we played Twister and went skinny dipping at 7 am while the neighbors were out so they started whistleing lmao. Daena was right....... everyone got so much ass that night. lol and then the cops showed up at like 5 am everyone was shitting bricks lmao but thank God nothing happened. Beto was pissed off most of the night cus Jon was all over me so yeah. lol it's all good. Eddie past out on the bed w/ Manny, Sammy past out in the closet, tall Juan knocked out in the couch, Rigo past out under the table, Lucy was all over Juan's dick all fucking night it was so damm annoying. lol Rey got sick so Jon dumped his ass in the shower. Ted also took a shower cus he was so wasted and then we all walked in on him so we got to see a couple of ppl naked. lmao. Vero and Rey knocked out ont he bed. Me, Jon, Rey and Vero almost had a 4-sum. lmao Manny thought he was back in the Army and he was trying to save me from Drowing in the pool when i was w/ Jon. lol one of his dog tags went through the pool filter and i happen to find his other one. I had Manny's dog tag AND shoes, Candy's shirt, and jon's shorts lmao. Jon drew on Eddie, Manny, and tall Juan's faces and wrote "Penis" on their forehead. lol Manny took off running, Juan went after him and lucy went after Juan. haha We partied for 2 days straight no joke. Beer run after beer run. lol so far it's been the best fucking B-day EVER! Lets see, what else happened??? hmmm..... I think that's mainly what happened. Oh, changing the subject..... Bruna got here today. I dont wtf is up w/ Beto. I am more than sure that he feels something for me but he's just confused. I feel like if he needs to see Bruna, talk to her and be w/ her in order to be completely sure about what he feels for both of us. He was soooooo pist off when he saw Jon naked and hugging me and when Jon threw me on the bed and gave me my 19 spankings. If Beto only wants to be "Friends" then why the fuck does he care what i do or not do w/ Jon????? But anyways, Beto has a week of vacations so he's w/ his family right now. I wont see him till Friday so yeah. I think that's about it. Hope to write soon. lol Laters Jotos.