(no subject)

Jun 21, 2005 22:04

Let's see..

One day last week, I ended up going over Buffa's house. Shannon & a bunch of other people were there & I pretty much just chylled in the basement & drank a lil bit. I ended up playing quarter bounce & I started out doing really good & then it was just downhill from there, LoL. At one point, me & Shannon left & met John & Ryan at Coney Island for a lil while & then me & her went back to Buffa's. Things got a lil crazy towards the end of the night, but it pretty much got handled. & that was about it.

I'm taking care of Shannon's hamster Hammie while she's at Niagra Falls with her family til Thursday. All I gotta do is go over there & just make sure it's got food & water & that it's still alive..LoL.

I had to buy a new battery & windshield wiper blades for my car cuz it really needed them. The other night at work, I walked out to my car & it was completely dead. The headlights had been left on which I really don't understand how cuz I got to work at 4:30 that day..Y would I have had them on then? So Doug & Andy had to jump it from Doug's car. I got home & then the next morning, it still wouldn't start. So my dad went out (on Father's Day!!) & bought me a new battery & windshield wiper blades(with my money) & did everything for me which was nice of him. So atleast that's all fixed now.

Gratiot Cruise was last Saturday & it wasn't really what I expected. I went to Kari's before work & she did my hair. I started at noon & was out by like, 6:30 & didn't make shit..Then after work, I ended up cruising around in Nate's '66 Mustang with him, Shannon, Andy & Dan for a lil while & then we went to Andy's parents house cuz they were having a party. Me, Shannon & Nate ended up going to Taco Bell, the liquor store, & then picked Kari up & went back to Andy's parents house. Me & Shannon made frozen daquiries & we all just chylled there for a while. Then me & Kari asked Jim to drop us off at my house. We got my mom's car(since mine wouldn't start) & ended up stopping by the guys house for a lil while. Kari had to be home by like, 12, so me & Andy took her home & drove around for a lil bit before we went back to the house. I just sat around the bonfire for a lil bit & then I went in the kitchen & just kinda layed back in the chair. Adam walked by & acted like he was gonna pour beer down my shirt, but I didn't think he'd really do it, so I didn't do anything, but he did!! Soon after, I took Shannon home & then came home & went to bed. So it was a pretty full day.

The other night, me & Kari went over Adam, Andy, & Andy's house & when I walked in the door, I looked in the living room & freaked out a lil bit cuz Andy T's 7-foot python was just chyllen on the floor. I don't like snakes at all & Andy & them try to convince me that there's really nothing to be afraid of, but I don't listen..That thing scares the shit outta me!! LoL.

Saturday I got 3 graduation parties to go to, so luckily I got that day off. I'm going to Alicia's, Angelina's & Kari's. I'm probably staying the night at Kari's that night..

I got my hair done today..Finally!! & I think I really like it. It's a lil more blonde than it was & I just got it trimmed. I really needed to get it done!!

& I guess that's about it for now. Tomorrow I work from 12-5ish & then I dunno what I'm doing. But I'm about to go over Christina's & watch the rest of the Pistons game & then maybe rent a movie or something, so I'll post again some other time. Lata.
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