Jun 18, 2006 08:12
So thankfully yesterday turned out to be a beautiful day.... now benny's sleepin on my little rug haha thats his new spot bc i dont want him on my bed bc his paws are all wet from outside... yeah so they woke me up at 5!! but idc im up now and i washed both cars... its so much easier to do it in the morning bc the soap dont dry that fast so i can just do the whole car at once.... ummm.... im bored... its gettin hot outside so i can go outside and tan for longer lol... i dont know, its just too early and its only sunday = (
So this week is gonna be sad at work because its the last week before camp and alot of my kids are going to camp next week.... im gonna miss my Sagie and Ava but they will be down the hall so its ok.... alright im goin bc idk what to write, i hate this stupid thing.... *yawns* i cant wait for Nick to get here!! a whole week of him... yes!! so excited that he's gonna be here... the family will be together, just the 4 of us, i mean my brother dont count anymore because he's an asshole and since Nick basically replaced him in my house lol... and when Megan comes its gonna be off the roof, as she likes to put it lol.... i wanna go to the mall this week, there is mad sales and i cant wait... i get paid tuesday so ill prolly just go then because its easy... so last weekend me nd nick went to a carnival in rp and it was boring and the zeppoli's were horrible so id rather do sumthing more fun than walk around and be bored, i wanna have fun and go out, go shopping or sumthing, plus im trying to stay away from the greasy foods since im doing really good with losing the weight... ill just tell my mom that my cloths are huge on me and i need more.. well they are so, she'll prolly come with me anyway because we have alot of fun and spend alot of money when we go shopping... lol... and schools done in rp so kevin and them were talking bout comin down here one day and chillen and my pool is open so its all good.... aiight time to go outside and relax and enjoy the beautiful weather... dam i love having a pool and a nice backyard to relax in.... life so good now....