Nov 01, 2005 13:01
go to and watch the video about what China is using to make fur coats that they are sending to the USA to JCrew Stores!! they were putting 5-6 big-small dogs and cats in a tiny cage that cant even fit 1 and throwing the cages off of large truck tops. by doing this they were damaging the animals bones and killing them. if that didnt work, then they were beating them, hanging them, letting them bleed 2 death nd then skinning them. i foung this heartbreaking.. what sickened me most was that most of these animals still had collars nd tags on meaning that they were stolen from homes and shipped to China...
please send this to everyone you know nd what that video on the site because it is heartbreaking and every1 needs to know how China is treating our house hold pets.. also please submit the information in the bottom for the boycott of all Jcrew stores nd other fur carriers.. thank you so much...
Kimberly Spezzacatena