Jul 30, 2006 11:49
hey peoples ^^v
i love how when i say people i mean the two people who doesnt read this thing X___X" thanks alot emi XP
i am going to somehow convence my grandparents to let me out of the house one of these days... (which i dont think will actully happen) but i really really need to leave the house. lol here i seriouly get up at 7 start my gmat math review at 8 finish at 1030 eat lunch at 1130, nap at 1230, than its english part of the gmat review, than gym, than dinner. after which i have about an hour to myself to leave the house X___X. now my grandparents want to cancell my gym card becasue they realised that there will be guys there. for 250 a month, i get a random people who gets paid to sit there and yell at me when i run. and since his male that makes it not okay T____T'
what the hell do they expect me to do? run off with some gym guy? seriouly ::makes an angery face:: i blame my dad for this btw!
roar! stupid stupid parents, so right now im trying to figure out a way to sneak down 11 floors hahaha
watch kerning break herself