May 05, 2005 23:45

hey journal, first of all i wanna thank dannie fron the bottom of black, erotic heart. dude you fucking rock and i love you too!!!

secondly, i am now a free woman, ready to find somebody new. ivan broke up with me saying we'd be better off as friends. i was like okay. although i love him, i don't really think i care cause i sorta knew it was coming. he just didn't seem as happy as he first was. it got to me when he went out with his ex-girlfriend without telling me knowing that she had serious feelings for him (although she claims she doesn't now). that really pissed me off. he claims he's always so busy with his little music business and finding a job, yet he finds time to take that bitch out instead of me? his girlfriend who he supposedly loves. fuck that shit. i mean if he doesn't wanna spend time with me then why the fuck doesn't he just say so instead of beating around the fucking bush. motherbitches and hoes!!!!!!! aaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhh!!!! it's not fair journal, my heart hurts so much. i don't know whether to be mad or sad. i wanna be both cause i'm mad at the reasons he broke up with me cause they were all kinda stupid and i'm sad cause i really love him. he said we could still hang out and stuff but i don't think i want to cause it would be too complicating since i probably will still have feelings for him. journal why can't people accept me as i am and love me for me? it seems like everybody's trying to change me, and frankly i don't like it at all. i mean i stopped smoking, cleaned up my language and did a whole lot of other shit for ivan and his ass still wasn't grateful. well too bad for the next guy, ivan just fucked it up for you cause i'm gon show my ass and be the true bitch i am. so there. i gotta go, time for bed. peace and love.ariele
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