Mar 30, 2006 09:05
Hey there. I have not been around much lately and just realized that this is the first time I have looked at the internet since this weekend. Crazy eh...I know some of you spend your days staring at it or having to use it for work so it is hard to imagine.
Part of the reason I have not looked at it is b/c I have been staying with my dad since Sunday. My parents have no internet access since there is no kids there to use it for now.
I have been staying with my dad b/c my mom is out of town and our poor puupy Jessica finally went blind. We have known it was going to happen but it was really, really sad to watch her be so scared and confused the first couple of days. The doctor says she will get used to it and we need to keep furniture in the same place and protect her from hitting her head as much as we can.
I took her for a walk a couple days ago and she was perfectly happy. Her main challenge is getting stuck in corners and stairs. We will just be managing her pain with aspirin and eye medicine since there is no way to bring the eye site back. I wish she could tell us what hurt and how much though. The doctor said since her eyes are so red it might be like a human having a migraine sometimes. So we need to keep her out of the sunlight as much as possible.
She is happier and waggin her tail all over the place. My mom got home last night so that should return some balance to the force that is the Anzalone household. My poor tenderhearted dad is all stressed out about it. I hate watchin Jessica bump into stuff but she has to get used to her environment. Although with my cats wandering around and Harriet (other dog) there is constantly moving furniture.
Owen is especially making it hard b/c everytime Jessie comes near him he swats at her. I guess it is b/c Jessica used to swat at him without realizing how much force she was using on the poor kitty.
Subbing has gotten stressful again...ok need to go to the bathroom before kids come...sorry I shall elaborate some other time.
Have a great day :)