Incase you all didn't know, every dream I can remember I'm usually running from something for some reason. Well MSN today had a big thing on dream meanings, so I decided to go through and see what their "Dream Dictionary" said it was that my dreams meant.
Running (away from something):
Something in the dreamer's life is difficult to face, and the dreamer would rather run away from it than face it. If such a situation is not readily recognized by the dreamer, looking to the other symbols in the dream should give the answer.
Chase/being chased:
1. Being at a disadvantage in a given situation.
2. Actually being pursued, probably in the sense of being "chased" by a potential lover, employer, or customer.
Pursuit of a dream or something else that's just out of reach.
1. If the sexual encounter is with someone the dreamer loves and desires, and who reciprocates his or her feelings, then happy times with that person lie ahead. If the encounter is with someone whose feelings the dreamer isn't sure of, it could mean the same, but it could also be nothing more than a wish-fulfillment dream. Look to other symbols in the dream in order to discern its true meaning.
2. If the encounter is an unpleasant one with either a stranger or someone whom the dreamer does NOT like, the dreamer is trying to avoid a distasteful choice or confrontation that perhaps should actually be faced.
3. If the encounter is a pleasant one with a partner that the dreamer does not know, then the dreamer is about to gain something that he's been wanting for a long time. Again, to ascertain what it is, look to other symbols in the dream.
1. A sense of emptiness, of having no one around whom you can depend on. Bewilderment.
2. Betrayal by someone who loves you, like that suffered by the children in the story of Hansel and Gretel.
3. The need for self-sufficiency.
1. Red: Good news. Passion. Anger. A warning to control your temper.
2. Blue: Enlightenment. Insight. Relief from worry. Assistance from outside sources.
3. Green: Peace. Tranquillity. The Earth. Money. A journey. Good news.
4. Yellow: Intellect. A problem or puzzle to be solved. Possible setbacks. Gemini. Also: Gold: Leo.
5. Pink: Love. Compassion. The attainment of a dream.
6. Purple: Spirituality; status in one's own circle. Increased social life, or the desire for same.
7. Orange: Message from a great Master. Metaphysical or spiritual knowledge.
8. Brown: Illness. Materialism.
9. Black: Unhappiness. A rough road ahead. Something that the dreamer needs to know. In extreme cases, a death - BUT THE DREAMER'S DEATH IS NEVER SHOWN.
10. White: Purity. Success well earned.
11. A swirl of color: Great joy, happiness, success. Dreams attained. Luck in love.
1. Love, loyalty, devotion, obedience.
2. Strength; a challenge coming up and the ability to meet it.
3. Something in the dreamer's life is proving to be a "dog" - meaning, less than desirable.
1. A kiss from a lover, under happy circumstances, presages happiness and contentment.
2. A kiss from a stranger implies an unexpected gift.
3. An unwanted kiss indicates upcoming overtures from someone the dreamer does not like. The overtures may or may not be romantic in nature.
1. If the dream involves happiness in love, then happiness and contentment lie ahead.
2. If the dream involves an illicit or forbidden love, the dreamer is hiding things - perhaps even from herself.
3. If the dream is of observing the love between two other people, this portends the consummation of some of the dreamer's own hopes and wishes.
4. If the dream involves choosing between two rival lovers, the dreamer faces a difficult choice.
1. If the dreamer is naked and alone, the dream concerns freedom and lack of inhibition.
2. If the dreamer is naked in public, then he fears that some of his deepest secrets will be exposed.
Dreaming of a father symbolizes authority and discipline, while a dream of a mother symbolize love and protection - depending, of course, on how the dreamer felt about his or her parents. If the parents are still living, perhaps you need to contact them. If the parents have passed on, then they could be bringing you an important message. Dreaming of one's parents is perhaps the most subjective dream symbol of all. The dreamer's relationships with his or her parents, as well as the other symbols in the dream, need to be considered before a workable interpretation can be found.
1. If the dreamer is shouting to someone, it represents a desperate need to reach that person. If the "someone" is unknown to the dreamer, the dreamer needs to seek information from someone as yet unknown - as phoning up a librarian to find out if the library has a certain book.
2. If someone is shouting at the dreamer, if the dreamer knows that person, then he has been shutting out vital communications from that person. If the shouter is unknown to the dreamer, then there is information that the dreamer needs to seek out.