ahhh okay so i like totally need to update on the long weekend! but its gunna be kinda short cuz i have to shower and besides im hungry!!!
enter at your own risk.
after school kareem paige me colton and sperry hung out then they all left and stuff and then jen wood came over =] and we got ready and caught up! i <3 her =] and then we went to the gas station! hhahaha " YOU SHOULD REALLY THINK ABOUT FUNDING IN SOME DOUBLE A BATTERIES "ahhh life is great. anyways we left the gas station with snickers and gum but without batteries and continued on our way to the parkers! haha we got there kinda early and all i can hear is mr. P going " omg is that jewish jen? its jewwy jen! its jewwy jen! " haha gotta love that man. anyways then i got some batteries from Mrs. P and we went downstairs and joined the partayy and yeah then people came and i took some pics and then the birthday boy and girl came! i love leigha and jeremy!!!!! =] and yeah then we partied mmhm it was pretty kinky.. then everyone like left and stuff and me graham jeremy leigha cait jenn jen jess and lexy cleaned up haha it was pretty messy! and then all of us girls went to caitybs house! =] parttayyy we talked and watched tv and went on the lappy and then jeremy and graham snuck over haha at like 3am and yeah yeah yeah !
woke up haha ate b fast and then daddy ball drove me jen and jenn homeee =]. then i kinda of did my notecards but not really aka i did 5 and told the g rents that i did 50 and then showered and then went to brookies house! me and brookie and alissa slept thurrr and had a ball of a time! and we had delicious brownies and then pete and laguna came home and made some more delicious brownies and yup yup then we slept downstairs and watched tv adn talked and crapola like that. <3 i love bk & am! =]
woke up at brookies ate breakfast then came home and showered and then poogz laura and lexy came over haha then they left and then sam and cheslea came over haha and then THEY left lol and then i went to piccadily pub ( delicious! ) with the g rents and kevin and then they dropped me off at brookie and alissa was there and then kayla alex katie maggie brendan brennan vetro brian and colton came and we had a bonfire and ate and chillaxed and stuff like that then they all left and me and liddy slept there again =]
came home did my notecards YAHOO THEY ARE ALL DONE I REPEAT MY NOTECARDS ARE ALL DONE!!!!!! and haha then i went to paigeys and mmhmm and then she left so i walked home EVEN THO IT WAS RAINING AND I WAS IN MY BIKINI AND COLD but thats okay cuz i <3 her!
and now im here and my computer is sending virus's to like 500 people so if you got one im wicked sorry! lolol
and sorry this update is kinda short but YOU KNOW WHAT.. SUCK MY NUTS.